Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What's new with Sami

Sami is growing up so fast and is doing so well as a big sister. So what's Sami up to now?

-She loves to walk. She is still a bit wobbly at times (as you can see in the video below) but she doesn't crawl at all anymore.

-She says "hi", "hello" (which sounds like "hullo"), and tries to say "thank you" although it sounds like "dank oo". "Mommy" and "daddy" still aren't in her in vocabulary but will be soon enough, I'm sure.

-She loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

-She wears her bead necklaces as much as possible. She even puts them on herself.

-She loves cell phones, both real and fake.

-She is my little helper, always trying to help take care of Janie by putting pacifiers in her mouth, giving her cookies, or giving her a nice pat to say "it's okay" when she's crying.

-She seems to get prettier everyday. Jonathan is already worried about when the girls are teenagers. He thinks I will be going through menopause when they start their teenage years and the thought is a bit scary for the poor guy :).

-She still fills our home with joy and happiness. Nothing beats Sami's laugh.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thanks a million, Mom!

I took my mom to the airport this morning. I already miss her tons. We had a blast just holding babies, cooking, and talking. Everything seemed easy when she was here. She has been such a blessing to me, not only these past two weeks, but throughout my life. I am so glad that my girls have such loving Grandparents.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Loving Life!

How grateful we are for our two beauties! We are all doing so well. My mom is here for another week and she has been so much help! Sami loves playing with Grandma and it is so fun to see them grow close. And my mom takes Janie most nights giving me so much rest. I feel so grateful for the help. It's fun to have someone to talk to all day while Jonathan is gone. Janie is growing well and only wakes up a couple of times a night. Sami loves being a big sister and is constantly trying to give Janie her pacifier. It's so cute how much she tries to help in her own way. I have many more pictures that I'll be posting soon. Thanks to all of you, my friends and family, for your prayers, love, and support.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I just didn't know...

Before Janie was born, I imagined that I would deliver her under pain meds and then I would come home and feel so good because I had my baby and my body back. I had no idea how difficult the recovery was. I didn't know that my whole body would hurt. But I am happy to say that every day I feel better and every day our family is adjusting more and more. I am excited that my mom is coming on Monday but I am already nervous for when I am on my own, trying to take care of my two baby girls at the same time. I know the Lord will help me, and I am grateful for that knowledge.

Janie is just as sweet as can be. We are so glad she's here. Every day as I feel better, I enjoy her more and more. Sami girl is slowly adjusting, although it has been hard. My heart goes out to her because her little world has been so different lately. I am excited for the day when she and Janie can play together.

Janie with Jonathan's dad, Larry.

Janie with Jonathan's sister, Tami.

We think Janie looks like Sami too. I have the two most beautiful girls in the world!