Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Daddy's coming home!

Jonathan has been gone since Sunday morning. He had to go back to Missouri to take an exam on physical exams (confusing, I know, and ridiculous since we have an ATSU campus 20 min. from here). I miss him so much! He is so much fun but he is also great help. As soon as he walks in the door, he jumps in and does whatever I need. Most of the time, it's entertaining the girls so I can get dinner on. Sami is his little buddy. I love this picture of her first horsey ride. Jonathan is the horse, of course :). She's never seen a horse in real life, or seen anyone ride a horse, so this is how she naturally rides. She giggles the whole time.

And Jonathan also does sweet things, like coming home early on my birthday with a dozen roses. Yeah, I did have a birthday last week. I turned 30! It seems crazy that I could be this "old" but I don't feel old, and I've never been happier, so I think 30s will be great. It still amazes me that when I turned 28, I didn't have any kids, and at 30, I have two! Heavenly Father has been very good to me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Our niece is going to be on AFV!

My little niece, Elizabeth, is going to be on America's Funniest Videos this Sunday on ABC. She is such a little cutie, Sami LOVES playing with her. Click here for a sneak peak of the video. We hope you win, E!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blog Makeover

You may have noticed that my blog has been "under construction" for a while. I've been trying new things, trying to figure out what I like and what I know how to do. But I think I'm finally happy with it, so it will stay this way for now. I have really enjoyed learning how a blog works. If you want to customize your blog, send me an email and I will tell you some of the secrets I learned that will hopefully make it must quicker and easier for you. One of the quickest ways to make over your blog is to buy blogwear, which is a premade headers and sidetabs. All you have to do is put in a picture and some text. Shabby Princess and Golden Girls both have really cute blogwear. But I wanted to know how to do it myself, and if you are the same way, I'd be happy to share.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Easter Weekend

So I realize that this is my second post today, but as I was downloading these pictures, I realized that this may be my only time to blog this week. This week is going to be filled with projects as I try to get everything ready for an Enrichment night on Thursday. And I love these pictures and I don't want to forget about them in my many picture files.

Our weekend started off at Grandma Olsen's. We had a brunch to celebrate Easter and her birthday. Her birthday is on Easter, how cool is that?! We had a lot of fun just talking, eating, and playing. She took this picture of us and I like how it turned out.

Then when my kiddos went to bed (they both go to bed at 6 pm and it's BEAUTIFUL!), I got to put together Easter baskets. I just love Easter baskets. I think it's because I have so many good memories of my Easter baskets as a kid. Sami's is the pink one, Jonathan's is in the middle, and Janie's is on the end. Janie just got Sami's old teething toys in her basket, but she didn't mind :). I was so excited for everyone to get up and see their baskets. Sami was mostly excited by the cookies in the basket, so the pink Cabbage Patch might disappear and reappear in her basket next year.

And then there was the egg hunt. Due to rain, we had an indoor hunt. Basically I just put eggs all over the living room and she picked them up, ate the treat inside and left the egg on the floor for Jonathan to pick up later. But she had a good time, as demonstrated in the blurry picture below.

And I saved the best for last. This doesn't have to do with Easter, but I have to post it. Sami loves music and she she dances whenever music comes on. But as this movie demonstrates, she dances without music too. All I have to say is "Time to dance?" and she'll start dancing. It's awesome.

Why we love Easter

He was born for us.

He lived for us.

He suffered and died for us.

Because of him, we will live again.

How grateful we are to our Savior, for his life, message, and hope. May your Easter be filled with His love.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Fun Outside

I've been meaning to post these pictures for a couple of weeks. We were babysitting Julia so that her mom could fulfill a church assignment. It was a beautiful day so I decided to let the girls play in the sprinkler. I took off their shorts, put them in sandals, and they had a blast. I love those chubby, little legs.

And in case you're wondering, my house looks like this at least once a day...

But with the mess-maker as sweet and cute as this, I don't mind. :).

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


It amazes me how much these two look like sisters. I wanted to put their pictures side by side to see how similar they look. I tried to find a picture where they were making the same face, and this is the closest I got.

I love Sami's bumbo chair. My mom bought it for her when she was just three months old. And we have used it constantly. So I was thrilled when I went to a yard sale and found another one for $5! Now each of my girls have their own bumbo. It amazes me that in a year, Janie will be where Sami is now.

Nothing makes me happier than being with my girlies. Both of them are miracles in my life. And they are truly sisters.