We go to church from 3-6 pm. To say it's hard on the girls is an understatement, mainly because they have dinner at 5 and are in bed by 6. Relief Society often looked like a wrestling match between me and Sami, sometimes we just came home early so I could put her in bed. Since we started this church schedule, I've been counting down until Sami could go to nursery. But now I'm not so sure. How can she be old enough for nursery?! She is so young compared to all the other kids. She eats crayons and can't sit still through the lesson. And do the nursery leaders understand that "hop-py" really means "help me" and that "wa-wa" means she wants water? Let me just say that the nursery leaders are really great. They are organized and really love the kids. And Sami really loves nursery. She is so friendly, she runs into nursery and waves and says hi to all the kids. She loves it. I just don't want her growing up to fast.
She just went from this:
to this way too fast.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Posted by Chrissy at 9:09 AM 4 comments
My sister and her husband were here for a week and it was so much fun. Rachel is sweet, kind-hearted and generous. One thing I really wanted to do with her was get a pedicure. She's never had one and I've only had one once, but that was enough for me to know that I LOVE them. So I talked her into going and we had a blast. She kept saying "I never knew..." It was luxurious, to say the least. And the little Korean ladies loved Rachel. They kept commenting on how happy she was. We were watching Wipeout on the tv while we were getting the pedicure, and we couldn't stop laughing. Rachel also got her hands done and we both got our eyebrows waxed. Painful, but necessary :). The Korean lady told Rachel that my eyebrows were "bushy." I guess I should go more often. We were there for two hours and Rachel gave them such a big tip that the owner gave her a hug and told her to come back. Hopefully we will.
Posted by Chrissy at 9:02 AM 3 comments
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Goodbye Borris. You've been great.
Today we took Jonathan's car to the junkyard. They gave us $200 for him. That seems like such a small pitance for what Borris has done for us. Borris, so named by Jonathan, is a '91 Mazda MX6. Jonathan has driven him for 8 years and he runs like a tank. He just runs and runs and runs. But the quality of the runs has been diminshing lately. We would have kept him had it not been for the air conditioning problem. The problem is there is no air conditioning. Jonathan would come home in a complete sweat and I was afraid he was going to get heat stroke while he was stuck in traffic. Not to mention that the starter is going out, among other things. To see a great look at what life is like in Borris, take a look at these funny videos.
Thanks for the good times, Borris. I never thought in a million years that you would be around as long as you have. Thanks for taking good care of my husband as we have moved you from UT, to AZ, to MO, and back to AZ. Borris the Beast, I bid you farewell.
Posted by Chrissy at 5:10 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
We're Back!
Sami enjoyed countless horsey and airplane rides from my dad.
My little brother Danny (who is not very little at all) loves to play chess. He taught me how to play and then whipped me in about 10 minutes, and he even told me moves to take out his men. I definitely need more practice. He loves to play my dad because it's a challenge, and when they play, there's complete silence as they concentrate. This is a very familiar sight in the Hall home:
Sami could do no wrong in her Uncle Danny's eyes. He would get down his chess set and let her play with the pieces and the board. That was true love because he loves his chess set.
My Grandma moved to my hometown about three years ago. It was fun for her to play with her great grandchildren and it was good for me to get to know her better since she wasn't around a lot when I was kid. It was fun to realize that there was often four generations of women in the room at the same time: Grandma, Mom, me, Sami, and Janie. And when my sister was around, the group was complete.
Posted by Chrissy at 11:06 AM 5 comments