Friday, April 29, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a wonderful Easter! We had two parties, one at Grandma Olsen's house and one at our house on Easter weekend. I will hopefully post some pictures from Grandma's party soon, but this post is from the party at our house.

We dyed eggs on Saturday when Daddy got home. We have this little toy where you put in the dye then put in the eggs, and when you push down the button, it tye-dyes the egg. This was the highlight of the event.

We all wore our matching aprons from Grandma while dying the eggs.

We also had an egg hunt on Sunday afternoon. I love the determined look on Janie's face. And see the chalk on the walls of our fence? This keeps the girls entertained for minutes, if not hours!

Sami knew the eggs had candy. Jonathan and Aunt Tami ate a few of the treats in the eggs before the hunt, and Sami would leave those eggs on the ground. She is too smart for her own good!! (And she was so fast running around finding eggs that I didn't get any great pictures, but I love this one of her eating candy. It pretty much sums up the afternoon and accounts for the sugar high she had that night.)
One of the details from Easter that I want to remember is that Sami was worried that the Easter bunny was going to come in our house and take her purple bear from Grandma. I have no idea why she thought this! But we finally convinced her that the Easter bunny only gives us stuff, doesn't take stuff. 

We are so blessed to have Aunt Tami and Grandma close by so they can join in the party.

Of course the best part of Easter is church. I love that my girls were matchy-matchy.
 I am so grateful for our Savior, who gives us everything of value: hope, joy, peace, forgiveness, and love. 

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Camera L♥ve

I still don't know what I'm doing (and probably won't for awhile), but I've learned if you take 100 pictures, a few are sure to turn out. ☺

Friday, April 15, 2011

I'm 32.

So my birthday is on Sunday. I will be 32. I don't feel like I should be 32. I feel like I should be 19, but I am so glad that I'm not 19! :) Since J is on call on Sunday we celebrated today. It was fun. We had pizza, and J bought me roses and a cake. And I got my dream present...(drum roll, please)...

A Nikon D90 DSLR! EEEeeeekkkkk!! (It's a fancy schmacy camera ☺)

I love it. Jonathan loves it too. He has played with it more than I have so far :). Let me tell you the story how I got it.

I have been wanting one for a long time. It's the next step in my love affair with Photoshop. So I have been looking for one for awhile now. And I knew J was looking too, for my birthday. So I decided to help him and I bought this one used from a lady on a photography forum. I got a super amazing deal and could barely hold back my enthusiasm.  

Two days after I bought it, Jonathan came home and said he had to take a board exam in May that costs $800. WHAT?! Who takes $800 tests?! Apparently residents do. I was so upset. (But he told me to get ready because he has to take a $2000 test to get board certified in a year and a half. Thanks for the warning. It will give my heart time to prepare.)  So I was ready to send my camera back. I really wished I could have. But I bought it used. From a lady in Canada. No go. 

But Jonathan has been so sweet and encouraged me to enjoy my camera guilt free. So I am working on it.  The reason there are no pictures is because I don't know how to work it. Jonathan has been snapping pictures of me but I believe I can't work it unless I read the manual. At least twice. Weird, I know.

But I have had a great birthday. I feel so, so blessed in my life. I realize I have so much more than I deserve.  I have been afraid to say that I am happy because I was afraid that something would happen to take that away. But I really am so happy. So I love being 32.

And, can I just say how much I love having a romantic husband. In his birthday card to me, he said "When my body is exhausted and I don't think I can get myself out of bed, I look over at you and I get up and keep going." Man, I love him!!! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Playing School

A few days ago, Sami and Janie told me they were going to school and asked for their backpacks. They then walked around the living room about 15 times. Then Sami said "School was fun." (I love how they needed backpacks and purses for school.)

Earlier this week Jonathan was able to come home early. We were all in the backyard enjoying the weather when Sami said, "Daddy, I draw you." Then she drew this: 

Hilarious. We were cracking up as she drew the ears, hair, but the mouth was the kicker. Under his mouth is a chin (at the bottom of the circle). And the line under the head is his body. Sami told us what she was drawing as she did it.
Thankfully, Jonathan has a sense of humor and took this picture and did a video asking Sami about her Daddy's picture. And Sami was so proud of her picture. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

In the cookies of life, sisters are the chocolate chips. ~Author Unknown

When we found out Janie was a girl, we were so excited. I wanted Sami to have a sister. I have four brothers and one sister. My sister and I share a connection that I don't have with my brothers. These two play all day, and sometimes it seems like they fight all day. They both love to sing, but they want to sing one at a time. If Sami is singing and Janie joins in, she gets upset, and vice versa. I have recently heard them counting each other to time out (that's 1, that's 2, ok, time-out).  But when they play,and dance, and giggle together, it makes my heart sing. I am so glad that they get to go through life together.

 I remember when my Mom always said that our friends would come and go but we would have our brothers and sisters forever. When I was in high school, it was hard to believe that I wouldn't be around my friends forever. But honestly, I haven't seen them since high school. My mom was right. I know I will say the same thing to my girls. Sisters are life-long friends. (So enough with the fighting already!)