Lots has happened this past week.
But first of all, I never want to forget how much I love that my fridge looks like this every other day:
The girls put their own pictures up on the fridge. We do art every day. I love it because it keeps them busy. And I usually have a handful that I put in the recycling bin every day. I try to keep the cutest ones.
And Jonathan got to ride in a small plane and actually fly a small plane.
The doctor he is standing next to is his attending this month and owns part of this plane. It's like a plane time-share thing. So he does a clinic in Show Low once every month, so he can fly his plane and write it as a tax write off.
But small planes are scary. They go down all the time. So I was praying like crazy for him. But he just thought it was fun.
And Sami participated in her first talent show this morning. It was in her preschool, and she sang "I am a Child of God." She rocked it. I am so proud of her.
And the biggest thing in my life that happened this past week is that I got released from Young Women and called as the first counselor in the Primary.
Being released was very bittersweet. I have been in YW for so long that it was just a part of me and what I did. I loved, loved, loved working with the other leaders and getting to know the girls on a personal level. But I don't think I will miss how busy it can be. Young Women can be pretty relentless as far as planning and meetings and programs because there is always something coming up. But it is good and important for the teenage girls. It is truly an inspired program. And I am so glad to have been a part of it in this ward.
And now I am in primary. This will be a huge adventure for me because I have never been in primary. I have helped out in nursery a lot, but there is so much I am going to need to learn. I am excited to learn the primary songs that my girls know (and sing only a line or two of) that I don't know. I have loved reading the manual and feeling the spirit of primary. When I told my dad I was now in primary, he told me that he loves primary and feels it is one of the most spiritual places in the church. I feel this is really going to help me grow spiritually and as a person. And I am excited. And a little nervous.