Sunday, May 20, 2012

Birthday and Graduation

Jonathan had a birthday this past week. I think he had a good day. He had to work, but we went out to dinner and he got some fun presents and the girls loved helping me with the cake. Happy Birthday, Sweetie!

And Sami graduated from preschool. Well, not really, because she is going to the same preschool next year, but ya know, they do this at the end of every year.

 She was so happy. So happy that Dad and Grandma came and that she got to dress up and be with her friends.
 They did a little program. It was short and sweet, perfect. They did the Pledge of Allegiance...
 sang some cute songs...
got her certificate and report card...
 and we were so proud!
She did have a small embarrassing moment after this picture. She was going to sit down and missed the chair. She fell and landed between her chair and her neighbor's chair and started crying. She was hurt a little but mostly embarrassed. Jonathan went up and put her in her chair and talked to her and she recovered quite well, I thought. I wasn't sure she would, I thought she might need to come and be with us. But I was so happy when she was able to stay up there and not cry. After the program we told her how proud of her we were and how things like that happen to everyone. 

 Sami has learned so much this year in preschool: how to spell and write her name, write all her letters, use pencils and scissors, memorized her phone number, and learned the Pledge of Allegience (well, mostly). And she kept her light on green all year, meaning she didn't get in trouble. There were some mornings that I would not have been surprised if she didn't come home with her green stamp, because we had a hard morning here, but she always came home with her green stamp. That makes me happy. 

Congratulations, Sami Girl!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was really fun for us this year. Sami made me the cookie flower bouquet at preschool and the booklet about her. The girls can't figure out why we aren't eating the cookie flowers. But I just love looking at it.

Sami has the best CTR teacher. She started as Sami's nursery teacher and has just moved up with her class every year. Plus, she (Sis. Harris) has sat in the bench with me every Sunday that Jonathan has had to work for the past 4 years. I just love her! And she helped her class make these cute flower magnets. And she made one for Janie, just because. Janie is a sunbeam but she knew I would want one of both. She is another grandma to our family. 

This is the inside page of Sami's preschool booklet that she made for me. I love her little self-portraits. She understands that everyone in the family has brown eyes except her so I always know when she is drawing herself because they have blue eyes.

I LOVE this page of what our family looks like and the picture of me jump roping. I have been doing an exercise video in the morning and jump rope in place, and so Sami drew me exercising.

In Primary, we had the kids fill out these cards about their Moms. Kristen, the Primary president, didn't tell me what Janie's said but she told me that she had tears coming out of her eyes she was laughing so hard. Now I understand why.
If you can't read this picture, it says: (Janie's answers are in the large type)
You rock. You are scary face.
When you dance with me, it makes me happy. I love doing things with you, especially help me do dishes. You are so good at taking naps.

Jonathan and I were both laughing so hard when we read this! The scary face must come out when I am trying to take a nap. :)

And Sami drew me another sweet picture of herself.

Being a mom really is the best. It is as awesome as I always knew it would be. I am one blessed Mama.

Happy Mother's Day 2012