Sunday, May 26, 2013

Lucy Update

 Lucy is walking everywhere. She is done with crawling.
She is teething again. I am will be so glad when all those teeth are in and I know she will be too.
She loves to play with her sisters. She is always trying to do what they do, which is why she can already climb up on my couch. 
She loves canned fruit the very best.
She amazes me constantly at how smart she is. When I tell the girls to go wash their hands, she rubs her hands together like she is washing her hands.
She leans her head in for kisses. 
She is determined. Very determined. If we can channel that determination, she is going to do amazing things.
She likes to try talking and she is really good at saying "hi" and waving her hand.
She loves playing peek-a-boo.
We think we are so lucky to have our Lucy girl. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Preschool Graduation 2013

This past Thursday was preschool graduation for Sami and Janie.
Jonathan had to work a night shift in the ICU so he couldn't come and I got a sitter for Lucy so she could go to bed and I could enjoy the program. It was really nice to just enjoy their big moment and take tons of pictures. 

 We are all sad that preschool is over for the summer. It was only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-10:30, but I got a lot done in those four hours every week! And I knew the girls were learning and having fun so it was a win-win situation. 

The girls were true to their personalities before and during the program. 
Janie gets nervous when she doesn't know for sure what is going on around her.

And Sami is our little social butterfly, always. 

Finally it was time to walk up and get their "diploma." (I was tempted to put in tons of pictures of all their songs, etc. but I realize that maybe you don't want to see all 94 pictures that I took that night. ☺)

And Sami and Janie would tell you the best part were the cookies after the program. 

I thought Mrs. Carole was a great teacher. She has done preschool for 25 years, and she only charges $60 a month per kid. I think that is SO reasonable. She is so good with the kids and they learn a lot. And I liked that she is LDS and all of the kids in the class were LDS too.  I will miss her. But maybe we will be back in Arizona for Lucy to go to her preschool. 

And now Sami will be going to kindergarten in the Fall. She is so excited and just thinking about makes me anxious. I will miss not having her around all day. I will miss not knowing what she is doing and who she is with. I realize that I will have to turn her over to Heavenly Father and good teachers. And although it stresses me out, I know it will be so good for her. She is academically ready, and I know she will love being around other kids best of all. I think my kids are growing up too fast.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Tumbling Recital 2013

This past Friday was the girls' tumbling recital. It was so, so cute.
Sami was nervous before their song, which kinda surprised me because she wasn't nervous last year. I guess that means she is growing up, sniff, sniff.

We were lucky that Grandma Trish and Aunt Tami came. Boy, are going to miss them when we move! Jonathan made it too, which was a miracle because he was on late call in the ICU. But we were so blessed that he walked in right before it started. I am grateful that he has good friends in the program that were able to cover him.

So I have got to say that I am a horrible video-taker person. The picture is so wobbly and I almost didn't post this, but just in case you really want to see it, here it is. I love that the girls' personalities shine through so much during their number. Sami took the cartwheels and her part very seriously. She had been practicing and practicing at home. And Janie doesn't mind moving her hips at all. She does this all the time at home and it scares me how good she is at moving those hips. (And please ignore my cackling laugh, it makes me cringe every time I watch this, which is a lot because the girls' love watching themselves perform.)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

First Steps

On Tuesday, Lucy took her first step, all my herself. Everyday she gets braver and takes a few more. Today in nursery, she took five steps. 
I think children really are so brave. When I watch Lucy, I admire her, because she knows she is going to fall, but she wants to do it anyway. 
 She loves her push walker and uses it every day. She has calluses on her knees from crawling. Let me just tell you, this little one gets around and does it very quickly, so once she is walking, I think she will be running.
 She loves the little girly things. She finds doll hairbrushes and brushes her hair. She takes out all her hair bows, looks at them, and then tries to put them back in herself. For that reason, she is rarely wearing bows.
 Her sisters love to tickle her. She is getting lots of teeth.
 Her favorite place is in the kitchen with me. Which is good and bad. I like seeing her and having her around me, but I am afraid I am going to trip on her and she is going to get burned or something awful like that. She loves the garbage and is constantly pulling garbage out and looking at it and shredding it. It's kinda gross. 
Our sweet friends, the Harris family, have been angels to our family during residency. They have sat by me and helped me every week in church. They save us seats by them. They bring over birthday presents and Christmas presents for the girls. They are like extra Grandparents. People in the ward have actually thought they were my parents, they help me that much! Last week they came over with cinnamon rolls and matching ASU Sundevil dresses for the girls. I am going to miss them so much when we move!