Sunday, September 18, 2016

1st Day of School 2016

I have to blog about the first day of school before it's Halloween. I can't believe how fast time is passing. 
Life is busy, and fun, and crazy.
My mom and my 17-year-old nephew live with us. We love having them here and it's especially fun for the girls.
But back to school.
Sami is in 3rd (!!!!) grade this year! I don't know how she grew up so fast. Her teacher is Mr. McKinney and he is awesome. We are so thankful that she has such a fun and great teacher. She always comes home with funny stories about silly things he did at school. Her multiplication and division are coming along nicely, but lunch is still her favorite time of day.

 Janie started second grade and was super nervous about it. We had heard that her teacher, Mrs. Ratliff, wasn't very nice. Thankfully, that doesn't seem to be the case. Janie loves going to school and she loves Mrs. Ratliff. Janie also assures me that Mrs. Ratliff loves her, which isn't surprising at all. 
Janie is learning to love reading and art is still her favorite subject. 
There is a boy in her class who she thinks is cute, but she assures me that they are only friends. ;)
 Both of these cute girls were so nervous for the first day of school, but were so excited when they came home. They are having a great year and I am so thankful that they love school. 
 Lucy also started her second year of preschool at the Neighborhood preschool. Sadly, I didn't get a picture of her first day because I was at a "graduation requirement meeting" at the high school for my nephew. (Let me tell you, having a teenage boy in the house is WAY different than having three little girls! But David is a great kid and we love having him.)
Thankfully my neighbor, who I carpool with, did get a picture of Lucy on her first day, and when I get it, I will post it here. 
I am so blessed to have these girl in my life. Here's to a great school year! ♥

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Catching Up

I am behind on my blogging. 
But in my defense, life has been crazy here. 
We had another flood in our basement. (Enter crying cat emoji here.)
My 17-year-old nephew moved in with us. (We love him!)
I started another blog. (Shoot me now.) It's at, for those interested.
Jonathan's work is changing and being so crazy. I can't say anything yet, but changes are coming to that part of our lives. We hope and pray that they are blessings in disguise.
And we are getting ready for my mom to move in with us within the next two weeks. My parents filed for divorce (enter crying cat emoji again), and my mom is going to live with us for awhile. (We are super excited for my mom to live with us. Hello, date night!) 
And my girls started soccer for the first time. (Shoot me now-again!) We have practice and games twice a week, and I wonder if it's worth it. Between piano, activity days, soccer, and life, we are staying busy. 

But, as always, life is good. 
Lucy had a fun, little birthday party. We all adore this little girl. I am so glad she is in our family. 
Dave, my nephew, is awesome sauce. I am super proud of him. He is doing well in school here, has a busier social life than me, and is so much fun for Jonathan. I guess Jonathan needed another male in the house. Those two are best buds. 
Easter was great. My neighbor, Shawnna, put on a great Easter egg hunt. It was a lot of fun. 
The Easter baskets were a hit, as always. 

And Janie was a star student of the month in March. She was recognized for her good behavior. Way to go, Janie!

I am so thankful for my life. Sometimes I how I got to be so blessed. I constantly hope and pray to be more worthy of the amazing blessings I have. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Happy 4th Birthday Lucy!!

I can hardly believe Lucy is four. But she can! If you ask her how old she is, she may say "six," or "eight." 
She has become our little sweetheart. She is still stubborn and tenacious, and always will be, but we have seen such a kindness and sweetness about her. 
She has melted all of our heats. Sami and Janie often vie for her attention and they are always telling me how cute she it. And I agree. She is really, really cute. 

 Some things about Lucy:
-She loves tv. Right now her favorites are "Phineas and Fherb." But sometimes it's "Sohphia the First," or "Masha and the Bear."
-She loves playing with our neighbors. We are blessed with kids on both sides of our house that she enjoys playing with. One of them are over almost every day. It's fun.
-She doesn't love to eat. We have a daily battle to get her to eat her meals.
-Her favorite color is pink.
-She adores her sisters, and the they adore her. It works out nicely.
-She has such a good Sunbeams teacher, Sis. Roberts. She sends Lucy something in the mail every week and brought her presents when she was sick. Lucy loves Sunbeams. Thank goodness for awesome teachers!
-She goes to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays and is learning to write her name.
-Lucy goes to bed before 7 pm every night. It's awesome. Sometimes she asks me to put her to bed earlier. I always oblige. This girl needs her sleep!
-She loves Costco Dino Nuggets. She requests them for lunch almost every day.
We feel so, so blessed to have her in our family!
We love you, Lucy! Happy birthday!! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Valentine's Day 2016

We had a really fun Valentine's Day this year. 
I made fondue. First we had cheese fondue, where we dipped chicken sausages, bread, apples, and carrots. Then we had chocolate fondue and we dipped rice krispie treats and strawberries. It was delish!
But mostly, it was so nice to spend the day together. 

After dinner, we wrote Valentine's Day cards for each other. I made 4 cards for each person and we each made a card for every other member of the family. It was really fun to see the girls get into their cards. They wanted to make each other happy. 

Jonathan also got into it. He did borders around his cards and used different colored ink. It was fun. I loved watching my family express love for each other. That's what Valentine's Day is all about. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 2016

A new year. 
It has started off with tons of snow and sickness around here. We have all been sick. Currently, it's me and Lucy. We have nicknamed Lucy "Typhoid Mary." She has been hacking and sneezing and had a runny nose like you can't believe. But she is on the mend. It's amazing what a humidifier can do. And my sore throat is getting better, which is a good thing because I told Jonathan, "I can't live like this!" I am a total wimp when I am sick. 

But other great things have happened. 
First and foremost, Sami got to be a January "Star Student." She has been waiting and waiting for this. Every month she and Janie would tell us about kids who got to be star students, and why couldn't they? 
Well, it turns out that everyone gets a chance. I didn't realize this until I went to see Sami get her award. But every class gets 3-4 star students a month. I like that everyone will get a chance to be a "star." Sami got hers for excellent S.O.A.R. behavior. It's an acronym for something like "safe inside and out," obedient, and I don't know the rest...but Sami does.
And we are super proud of her. 
 And Jonathan's office had it's official grand opening and ribbon cutting from the mayor. 
It was a not-big-deal-but-kind-of-a-big-deal sort of thing. They mayor and lots of members of the Murray Chamber of Commerce came out. 
 So I took pictures with my lame cell phone and am too lazy to edit them. But you get the idea, right?
Here is Jonathan interacting with a patient. 
 His staff did some face painting. Lucy loved it. 
 They used giant scissors for the ribbon cutting. We thought it was fun and hilarious. 
 Our neighbor is part of the Murray Chamber of Commerce and came out for the occasion. He loves Lucy. The feeling is mutual. 
 And Jonathan's dad came out. Thanks, Dad.
So here's hoping for a great 2016. 
And Spring, where are you? Please come soon!!