Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tiger Pride

Today I put on my "Tiger Pride" sweater for the last time as a full-time employee. It has been more difficult than I thought it would be to say goodbye. I have learned so much and felt so much love from the staff and the kids. My work at the preschool has been such a huge part of my life, a part that I know that I will miss very much. I know that I am leaving for the best reasons, and I can't wait for all of my friends at the preschool to meet Samantha. So to all my preschool friends, here's a shout out to you: THANKS for the good times, you will be missed!!


Jamie said...

Chrissy, we miss you already! We just got your meassge. Be safe!

Jenn Fountain said...

Hi Chrissy,

As Jamie said, we do miss you already! I am praying that you will have safe traveling this week!

Karla said...


The building is just not the same without your smiling face. I hope by now you are safe in North Carolina and are blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby.

Ashley said...

I know for a fact that YOU'LL be missed there. What a loss, but what an exciting reason to say goodbye.