Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tuckered Out

I know this isn't a flattering picture of me, but I am glad Jonathan took it. I don't know who fell asleep first, me or Sami, but I always want to remember what it was like to hold my sleeping baby. She is so fun to hold. I actually try to put her down when she's sleeping so that she gets good sleep habits, but as you can see, that doesn't always happen.


Pepito said...

I loved having Elizabeth sleep on my chest at that age. I don't think it hurt her at all. Just enjoy the moment!

Becca said...

This picture really shows that she's getting big! I about died when I read that she's in 3-6 month clothing. Sami surprises me, but I guess it shouldn't. :D

Lisa said...

She's adorable and this is a precious picture!