Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Favorite Blanket

Our friends Colby and Suzanne sent Samantha this really soft blanket right after we came home with her. It is soft and fuzzy on one side and has silk on the other side. She loves to put the silky side over her face. It used to really freak me out. I would pull it off her face and she would just put it right back. My friend Lisa's baby girl does the same thing with a similar blanket. Who can blame a girl for liking silk?


Liz Wilcken said...

I still like to sleep like that!

Ok, I'm new at blogging, how did you get your slides to show on the side? I can only get mine to show as a "post"! And how did you get that lovely floral backgroud?

Hope the 3 of you are getting more sleep now :D Lots of love!

Chrissy said...

The blog background comes from cutestblogontheblock.blogspot.com, and I am going to put a link for it on my blog. It is an awesome website! And to get your slideshow on the side of your blog, go to "Cutomize," then "Add a page element," then "HTML/Javascript" and then paste in the code that you get from slide.com in the window, and ta-da, you're done!

Liz Wilcken said...

You're amazing! Thanks!

Chrissy said...

Good luck with your blog! Blogging is a lot of fun. I am still learning myself, but if I can ever help, let me know.