Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sami and her Daddy

Samantha loves her dad! Jonathan comes home for lunch everyday and when Sami hears the door opening, she turns her head and when her dad walks in, the smiles are as big as they come. She knows that he is going to kiss her, play with her, and make her laugh. She is definitely a daddy's girl! I love watching them, they are my two great loves.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Big Switch!

We switched our clinical rotations from Detroit to Phoenix! The reason: family. Jonathan's mom and sister are moving to Arizona in June, so most of Jonathan's family will be there along with our dear friends, Colby and Suzanne. We really want Samantha to know her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We are excited to be going back to familiar territory and I am really excited for warm winters! Arizona, here we come!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Our carbon monoxide scare

On Saturday morning at 2 am, our carbon monoxide detector went off. We got out of bed, and opened the windows, but we thought that our CO detector was faulty since it was older. But just to be safe, Jonathan ran to Wal-mart to get a new one. When he got back, we plugged in the new CO detector and closed all the windows. Two hours after that, the new detector started beeping. We jumped up, I grabbed Sami and two of her blankets and took her outside while Jonathan dialed 911 and asked for some firemen to come over and check out our house. Sami and I waited in the car with the heat on while the fire fighters inspected our house. As it turns out, we did have high levels of CO, but not high enough to make us sick. The fire fighters shut off all the gas in our house, and told us we didn't need to go to the hospital unless we got a headache. Jonathan once again opened every window in the house and turned on all the fans. We waited in the car for about 20 minutes until the house was aired out, and then we went back in and tried to sleep with all the windows open. It was like camping, we could hear all the birds and insects, and it was chilly. Sami slept with us so we could keep her warm and watch her to make sure she didn't get sick. The electricians came today and said that our furnace is 34 years old and needs to be replaced. This is common in older houses and happens due to the age of the furnace. We are so grateful for the Lord's protection and feel so blessed that we are healthy and safe. So I am posting this hoping that all my friends and family have carbon monoxide detectors in their homes. They are $20 at Wal-mart and worth every penny and more.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The best way to spend a birthday!

This was my first birthday as a mom, and I loved it! It was my favorite birthday ever! Not only did I celebrate it with my wonderful hubby and darling daughter, but my parents and my sister were here too. We had such a good time and we were all sad to see them leave this morning. It was fun to see Samantha so happy as she played with her grandparents and Auntie Rachel, they kept her smiling and laughing nonstop.

So I not only spent my special day with special people, I also got awesome gifts! Jonathan bought me a wheat grinder. I am so excited to start making homemade bread and cinnamon rolls. Along with the grinder, he also gave me a dozen roses, and Dove chocolates (oh yeah)! My friends Patti and Annie also bought me flowers and a candy bar and the kids from CASA brought me over a homemade red velvet cake. It was a wonderful day.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Finally, real food!

In celebration of Sami's four month birthday, we introduced her to the world of real food. Well, the world of rice cereal anyway. She wasn't sure about it at first, but I think it's safe to say that she ended her first meal satisfied.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Full Heart

My heart was filled with hope and peace today as I listened to the inspired messages of our church leaders. Today was the first day of a two day church-wide conference; it happens twice a year and I always leave feeling edified. These past few weeks, I have thought a lot about raising our Sami girl in this crazy world. In fact, I've stopped watching the national news because it often left me distressed about conditions in the world. There are so many things that I want to teach Samantha and I hope and pray that I will be able to teach her enough to help her get through her challenges and disappointments in life. Samantha is an angel in our home, and she is so trusting, you can see it her little eyes. I know that I am not a perfect parent, but I know that our Heavenly Father is and I am trusting that He will teach me how to teach our angel girl.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bumbo Chair

My mom bought Samantha a Bumbo chair, and she loves it! It's one of those things that I wanted but wasn't willing to spend the money on, so Grandma bought it for her. It's perfect for her because she's become really interested in what's going on around her and she always wants to sit up. Thanks Mom!!