Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sami and her Daddy

Samantha loves her dad! Jonathan comes home for lunch everyday and when Sami hears the door opening, she turns her head and when her dad walks in, the smiles are as big as they come. She knows that he is going to kiss her, play with her, and make her laugh. She is definitely a daddy's girl! I love watching them, they are my two great loves.


Becca said...

ADORABLE!!! That is such a sweet photo!

Liz Wilcken said...

ditto what Becca said. :)

TerriLyn said...

Great photo! I love Daddy daughter time! It's so sweet. I can't wait for more of it when this quarter ends....and better yet...after boards are over!

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

It is really fun to see kids get hooked on their Dad. Dallin is really having a great time with Jonathan now that his finals and such are all done. Sami looks just as happy with her Daddy!

Liz Wilcken said...

Happy Birthday, Jonathan!!! (At least I heard it was around this time !)