Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another Wonderful Year...

When I was a teenager, I had quite the laundry list of qualities I wanted in a husband. He had to be handsome, smart, spiritual, kind, a good dad, an eagle scout (I probably could have lived without that one), and of course he had to treat me great. It's amazing that I found such a man, but I did!! And Jonathan still opens my car door, pumps my gas, does dishes almost every night, and always makes me laugh. I love being married to my best friend! Happy Anniversary Jonathan!


Becca said...

Happy Anniversary! :D

Liz Wilcken said...

ditto! and I know this sounds totally weird, but we have the same kitchen utensils! Yeah, so I get excited over little things. :)

TerriLyn said...

I love that picture! Way to go Jonathan and happy anniversary you two!!