Thursday, July 3, 2008

Chrissy goes to the dentist!

This is my first official post seeing as how Chrissy is too embarrassed to post this particular event and thinks that I don't know how to do it. ;) When Chrissy got back from the dentist I simply could not resist exploiting her situation. Strangely, when I saw her the first thing that was going through my mind was, "Wow, they really knocked out her facial nerve." Anyway, she is a great sport and let me film her so here's to you sweetie!!



Jolyn said...

This made Dan and I laugh so hard! You guys are hilarious!

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

Awesome!!! Chistina, I truly know your pain - hope you are in better shape now :)

Liz Wilcken said...

Poor Chrissy!!! You're such a good sport!

Tami said...

Two words: You Tube! (Sorry Chrissy)
What kind of Haitian Voodoo dentist are you guys going to anyway?

paulandjenthatcher said...

I'm SO glad we just watched that video. Thanks for the laughs, Jonathan!