Monday, October 27, 2008

The cutest litte doctor!

We had our ward Halloween party on Friday. We all dressed as doctors, it was a fun, easy, and cheap costume choice. We would have never gone as doctors in Kirksville because it would have been too cheesy since half the town was in medicine, but not here. We got lots of compliments since we all matched. Sami loved her costume and kept her hat on most of the night. She's the cutest little doctor we've ever seen!

I barely fit into Jonathan's biggest scrubs. I chose to wear J's old lab coat that came down to my knees, so I could cover up in front and back.
Jonathan represented the Elder's Quorum in the pie eating contest and HE WON! He won a gift certificate to Cold Stone Ice Cream, yumm-o! Too bad he was sick the rest of the night. After the pie eating contest, we did the trunk-or-treat. One little boy, about 3 years old, came over to us then turned around to his mom and started crying saying "shots first, then candy?" She laughed and said, "no, they just want to give you candy." It was sad and funny at the same time, we never guessed that our costumes would be traumatic for some kids.


Lisa said...

I love it! You guys look great. Ward Halloween parties got me thinking about last year when you helped me so much at our ward party. Jackson had such a great time with you doing the cake walk and getting his face painted. He talks about you guys all the time and even asked me today where Sami was. Of course he always tells me that Chrissy and Jonny are in Arizon! We miss you guys!!!!!

Heather Macbeth said...

That's hilarious!!! Poor little guy! But all y'all look really cute!

Becca said...

Y'all look awesome! That's fun that you matched. Sami is the cutest little doctor ever!

That is soo sad about the little boy--but funny at the same time! :)

Mary Ann said...

I liked your costumes (and loved Sami with her stethoscope-sp?). Good job, Jonathan. Chrissy you look beautiful!

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

Oh - total adorableness with Sami's costume. And good work on the pie eating Jonathan . . . we miss Cold Stone! You all looked so great for Halloween!

Karla said...

Hi Olsen's

I haven't posted for a long time but you have definitely been in my thoughts. It was great reading the site and catching up on your family. You all look great and especially Mama to be. Love to all of you. Karla Truitt