Sunday, November 16, 2008

Filling Your Ark

I wanted to tell everyone about a really neat blog that I was introduced to today at church. It's all about food storage and has some great tips and links.

I have always tried to have some food storage, but I have been feeling lately that I need to do more. I used a lot of our food storage before we moved to AZ so I wouldn't have to pack it, so it's time to replenish, plus some. I know that the Lord will bless our family as we try to follow the prophet the best we can. So I am going to cut back on some things in order to get more food storage. I found this blog very helpful and inspiring, and I hope you enjoy it!

1 comment:

paulandjenthatcher said...

SO fun to see what you've been up to. I miss you! I'll have to check out this website. My neighbor was working to build up her food storage, and so she made homemade bread each week, and then used the money she saved to buy food storage. I was impressed!

Sam is adorable! Gracie's doing the same walking thing with a push-toy. It's so cute!

I'm excited for you to have Janie. I can't believe you already have a name! Wow! I can't wait to see her!

We love you!