Sunday, November 16, 2008


Tagged by Suzanne

8 Favorite TV shows:
The Biggest Loser (Love this show! I usually watch it while I eat ice cream :) )
Cook's Illustrated: Test Kitchen
Andy Griffeth Show
Martha Stewart
Family Feud
(Sorry, I can only think of seven)

8 Things I did Yesterday:
Took Sami for a walk
Went to a few yard sales
Made dinner: tacos
Went to Target and Bed, Bath, and Beyond with Sami
Spent time with Jonathan, just talking
Played with Samantha
Cleaned the kitchen
Took a nap

8 Things I look forward to:
Jonathan's graduation (May 15th, 2010)
Birth of Janie
My mom coming for 2 1/2 weeks in January and my dad coming for a week
Samantha's first birthday
Christmas with my two sweet daughters and Jonathan, who gets 2 weeks off !!
When Sami can tell me what she wants with her words
Student loans being paid off
Being able to wear clothes that aren't designed for pregnant people

8 Favorite Restaurants:
Red Lobster (I get chicken)
In and Out
Burger Supreme (in Provo, UT)
Gyros Place
Sweet Tomatoes
BBQ place in NC (can't remember the name, and too lazy to look it up, but it's good!)

8 Things on my Wishlist:
A new knife block
Food Storage for a year for my whole family
Enough money to buy plane tickets to see my family and friends whenever I wanted
That Jonathan didn't ever have to work the night shift or Sundays at the hospitals
A minivan
A new author that I haven't discovered yet that keeps me on the edge of my seat
Endless energy to get all the things done that I want to get done
To wear my pre-pregnancy clothes within a few months after delivery

8 People to Tag: Anyone who reads this and wants to do it. I was thinking of : Lisa, Mindy, Katherine, Heather, Liz, Melanie, Patti, Ruth


Liz Wilcken said...

I eat chicken at Red Lobster too! Don't care too much for fish and the like, but Brian loves it!

Becca said...

Dixie Belle's BBQ!
