Friday, December 12, 2008

An update

With only six days left until my due date, I am only dilated to a one. I was hoping that I was much further along, but the doc says I should plan on being late. With contractions coming on day and night now, I thought I had progressed much further. I have a feeling Janie wants to be a Christmas baby, literally. Thank you for all of your prayers on our behalf. I admit that I am getting more and more nervous the closer it gets, but more antsy for her to come too.

On a Samantha note, I am happy to say that she is officially off the pacifier! It was a struggle for a couple of days and nights, but I think we're there. I kept her pacifiers in the top drawer of her dresser in case I needed to fold, and I was sorely tempted many times, but I knew that if I didn't wean her now, it wouldn't happen for a long time since Janie would have a pacifier. But she did it and I am so proud of her! Now we're working on getting off of formula and on to whole milk.


Liz Wilcken said...

i know this may sound gross, but I'd do a mixture like 10% whole milk to 90% formula, then slowly work it up. I also would warm the whole milk a little, that way it was more like the formula. I bet it must be really gross to go from warm to cold milk. Anyways, good luck with that! Congrats on weaning her off the pacifier! I still see 4 year olds with them!

Pattie said...

good luck she will come when she is ready (hopefully) email me your phone number...thanks for the email.....heather thought sammy was so cute and she has gotten big.....Good Luck.

Heather Macbeth said...

I am soooo sorry about the contractions and only being dilated 1 cm. My doctor told me that Lily would come "any day now" 3 weeks early. I was having contractions like crazy and they ended up inducing me a week early. And they only did it early because I was sooo huge and Lily hadn't been growing for a couple of weeks. Anyway, you're in my prayers. This point in the pregnancy is no fun. But Janie will be here soon and it will be as if you didn't go through anything!