Thursday, January 1, 2009

I just didn't know...

Before Janie was born, I imagined that I would deliver her under pain meds and then I would come home and feel so good because I had my baby and my body back. I had no idea how difficult the recovery was. I didn't know that my whole body would hurt. But I am happy to say that every day I feel better and every day our family is adjusting more and more. I am excited that my mom is coming on Monday but I am already nervous for when I am on my own, trying to take care of my two baby girls at the same time. I know the Lord will help me, and I am grateful for that knowledge.

Janie is just as sweet as can be. We are so glad she's here. Every day as I feel better, I enjoy her more and more. Sami girl is slowly adjusting, although it has been hard. My heart goes out to her because her little world has been so different lately. I am excited for the day when she and Janie can play together.

Janie with Jonathan's dad, Larry.

Janie with Jonathan's sister, Tami.

We think Janie looks like Sami too. I have the two most beautiful girls in the world!


Heather Macbeth said...

Oh she is so gorgeous! But I have to agree with you about the recovery. I remember being shocked about that, too. Especially with the episiotomy..... not fun. You're in our prayers!

Becca said...

Janie is just adorable! She looks so sweet! I hope that you'll feel better quickly! Love y'all!

Liz Wilcken said...

Now that I've seen Jonathan's Dad, and comparing the first two pictures I think Janie looks like him and Sami :)

I remember recovery too. The nurses told me to push my nurse button when I needed to go to the bathroom for the first time. I laughed at that; thinking I wouldn't need it. Yeah, right. Our bathroom is a yard away from the hospital bed and it took 3 nurses and Brian to get me to the bathroom! They decided to put a wheelchair in my room so I could get to and from the bathroom more easily. Crazy.

Lisa said...

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. Its rough but if anyone can handle it you definetely can! Wish we could be there to help out. We miss you guys!

Karla said...

Congrats to the wonderful Olsen family. Samantha a year old and Janie, a newbie to the family---. I am glad to hear you are all adjusting well and celebrating the joy and miracle of this life. Love Karla

Jared Rosenlof said...

Congratulations on everything Christina! I'm glad things went as well as they did and you are feeling better and better. Good for you. Someday I need to come see you guys, it's been too many years. Haha, Larry got older. He looks like Michael Moore+25 years.
Enjoy your new family experiences!

paulandjenthatcher said...


She is so cute! I'm so happy for you! I'm glad that she is healthy and fine.

Good luck with the transition to two! Is Sami doing okay with another little one in the picture?

Katherine said...

She's so beautiful. I'm so happy for you! She is a big baby. Go Chrissy!!! WIsh I was there to help with Sami so you could get some extra sleep. We miss you guys!!

Melanie Chambers said...

She is beautiful. Congratulations.