Friday, February 6, 2009


Jonathan and I have been on a diet these past two weeks. South Beach diet, phase 1: no sugar, flour, or fruit. Blah. But now we're on phase 2 so we get whole grains and fruit. In phase one, I lost 5 pounds. I am pretty happy about that. But Jonathan lost 12 pounds! TWELVE POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS! Of course I'm totally jealous. I'm no feminist, but since we have equal pay for equal work, shouldn't we have equal weight loss for equal work? I mean, I am the one who just had the baby after all.

But seriously, even if I hadn't lost a pound, this diet was worth it for the emotional benefits. My doctor told me that cutting out my carbs would help with postpartum blues. I was what Jonathan called "a closet cryer." We have a nice walk-in closet, and I went in there to cry when my hormones were raging. I kept a bag of chocolates on top of my jeans and I would eat chocolate and have a good cry, all in my closet. But since cutting out the carbs and taking my vitamins, I haven't been in there once. So losing weight is just a fringe benefit, because I think my postpartum blues are gone. So while I may be a little chubby still, I'm a happy chub, and I'm okay with that for now.


Liz Wilcken said...

ahhh...that explains the hidden chocolates in my mom's walk-in closet. JK, Mom! We used to sneak them out of her closet when she wasn't looking :)

Wow, I've never heard of a dr. putting a woman on a diet after giving birth because of the whole nursing stuff. That must be nice. I was a little bummed because my dr. was like, no diets! So I felt a bit chubby myself for the first 6 or so months.

TerriLyn said...

5 pounds is awesome!!I'm just entering week three of post baby and I'm feeling the chub too. My appetite s huge and I can never stop snacking. I think I need to cut out the sweets too! You are awesome. Way to go.

Pepito said...

Five pounds is five pounds! Great job.

Pattie said...

give your body some time it takes nine months for all the changes to happen during pregency..and it takes just as long for the post preg..and dont for get to take in accout that you are nursing...and your body is still adjusting i am sure you look great.. just enjoy your little ones and dont worry what your body looks like right now you are still beautiful no matter what...

Jessica said...

I loved your mentality of being a happy chub...because it is the way I feel. But way to go! 5 pounds is awesome!