Thursday, March 12, 2009

How Sami's chores came about

For some reason unknown to me, Sami became fascinated with her dirty diapers. And not just hers, Janie's too. She was always trying to grab them or touch them. When she would get a hold of them, she would often stick them in her mouth. I know what you're thinking. Because I thought the same thing. That's really gross. And my reaction was always consistent, usually a horrified look with something like "Yucky Sami, put that down," or "Give that to mommy right now!" At which point she usually ran with the dirty thing, giggling. In a moment of frustration, followed by a moment of inspiration, I knew what I needed to do. I needed to take the game out of it, and I needed to replace the negative behavior with an acceptable behavior that I could consistently reinforce. And the only acceptable thing to do with a dirty diaper is throw it away. It only took one time of showing Sami what I wanted her to do, and she has been doing it ever since, and loving it. Her first "chore" is to throw away both her and Janie's diapers. Here's how it works:

Now if Sami ever forgets to do her job, I won't remind her because I really prefer she doesn't touch the germy things. And it would save me a lot of hand washing. But for now, she loves her chores.


Heather Macbeth said...

That's awesome! Lily already tries to steal her diapers away from me.... too bad she can't walk yet.... I'll have to keep this in the back of my mind for the future....

Becca said...

This is my new favorite movie!!! I love how she claps at the end. Yay Sami!

Mary Ann said...

Smart thinking, Chrissy!

Liz Wilcken said...

That's hilarious!!! You're funny, Sami! Ben loved helping throw away the diapers too. Hopefully she won't be like Rose, and hide things in the trash (Ben never did). When she was sick, she would take that nose aspirator thingy, and hide it UNDER a bunch of already used tissues! It would take me forever to find it!

TerriLyn said...

Perfect!! That is ingenious!