Jonathan has been gone since Sunday morning. He had to go back to Missouri to take an exam on physical exams (confusing, I know, and ridiculous since we have an ATSU campus 20 min. from here). I miss him so much! He is so much fun but he is also great help. As soon as he walks in the door, he jumps in and does whatever I need. Most of the time, it's entertaining the girls so I can get dinner on. Sami is his little buddy. I love this picture of her first horsey ride. Jonathan is the horse, of course :). She's never seen a horse in real life, or seen anyone ride a horse, so this is how she naturally rides. She giggles the whole time.
And Jonathan also does sweet things, like coming home early on my birthday with a dozen roses. Yeah, I did have a birthday last week. I turned 30! It seems crazy that I could be this "old" but I don't feel old, and I've never been happier, so I think 30s will be great. It still amazes me that when I turned 28, I didn't have any kids, and at 30, I have two! Heavenly Father has been very good to me.
Happy Birthday!!!
Ah you deserve it! Moms do so much for the family.
I know the feeling of having the DH gone for so long, it can get so tiring AND it helps you realize how wonderful it is to have them home! LOL.
You two are just the cutest couple.
I love the new look of your blog! Hope all went well with J gone, and I'm sure you are so relieved to have him back :)
Awww, your blog is so cute! What a cute post too!
Thank you for the invite Chrissy! You have such a cute blog and an adorable family!!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday! April 17 is a special day for sure :0)
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