Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Easter Weekend

So I realize that this is my second post today, but as I was downloading these pictures, I realized that this may be my only time to blog this week. This week is going to be filled with projects as I try to get everything ready for an Enrichment night on Thursday. And I love these pictures and I don't want to forget about them in my many picture files.

Our weekend started off at Grandma Olsen's. We had a brunch to celebrate Easter and her birthday. Her birthday is on Easter, how cool is that?! We had a lot of fun just talking, eating, and playing. She took this picture of us and I like how it turned out.

Then when my kiddos went to bed (they both go to bed at 6 pm and it's BEAUTIFUL!), I got to put together Easter baskets. I just love Easter baskets. I think it's because I have so many good memories of my Easter baskets as a kid. Sami's is the pink one, Jonathan's is in the middle, and Janie's is on the end. Janie just got Sami's old teething toys in her basket, but she didn't mind :). I was so excited for everyone to get up and see their baskets. Sami was mostly excited by the cookies in the basket, so the pink Cabbage Patch might disappear and reappear in her basket next year.

And then there was the egg hunt. Due to rain, we had an indoor hunt. Basically I just put eggs all over the living room and she picked them up, ate the treat inside and left the egg on the floor for Jonathan to pick up later. But she had a good time, as demonstrated in the blurry picture below.

And I saved the best for last. This doesn't have to do with Easter, but I have to post it. Sami loves music and she she dances whenever music comes on. But as this movie demonstrates, she dances without music too. All I have to say is "Time to dance?" and she'll start dancing. It's awesome.


Becca said...

I LOVE that family photo! I'm so glad y'all had a wonderful Easter!

I also loved Sami's pictures and movie! She melts my heart with her cuteness! Thanks for sharing!

tiffany said...

Those pictures are so cute. Hope you had a great easter. I have posted some pictures on facebook of the kids.

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

I LOVE the blurry pictures - I have lots of those for Dallin right now. Good to know these kids are constantly on the move! And what a dancer! LOVE IT ALL!!!

Lisa said...

I love the pictures. The girls are adorable. I hope things are going well for you guys. We sure do miss you! I just love your blog! Did you design it? It is so cute. Just wanted to let you know.