Sunday, June 28, 2009


We go to church from 3-6 pm. To say it's hard on the girls is an understatement, mainly because they have dinner at 5 and are in bed by 6. Relief Society often looked like a wrestling match between me and Sami, sometimes we just came home early so I could put her in bed. Since we started this church schedule, I've been counting down until Sami could go to nursery. But now I'm not so sure. How can she be old enough for nursery?! She is so young compared to all the other kids. She eats crayons and can't sit still through the lesson. And do the nursery leaders understand that "hop-py" really means "help me" and that "wa-wa" means she wants water? Let me just say that the nursery leaders are really great. They are organized and really love the kids. And Sami really loves nursery. She is so friendly, she runs into nursery and waves and says hi to all the kids. She loves it. I just don't want her growing up to fast.

She just went from this:

to this way too fast.



Heather Macbeth said...

I think I can say that I'll know EXACTLY how you feel since Skyler will be here in 4ish weeks. Heck, I'm already counting down the Sundays until Lily can go to nursery.... it's a good thing Sami's a little social butterfly!

kh said...

She was so cute today! I thought the very same thing about Kourtni, but now she will be going into Primary in Jan. Time does fly, and then Sammie will be the old one! WAH!!!

Becca said...

Sami looks so big! I can't believe how fast she's growing! I'm glad that she likes nursery. It was fun to see some of the words she's learning to say!

Pattie said...

Wow she sure has grown up;] this will be the firsts of many milestones..btw i updated my blog...