Sunday, September 27, 2009

And the winner is...

Jonathan has been at a medical convention in Tucson all weekend. He entered a poster presentation contest, basically so he could put that he was published on his residency application. And he won first place in the student division! He won $200 and a plaque. And the best part is that he doesn't have to go to Canada!! I know that sounds weird, but he thought that the first place winner had to present in Canada next summer. And while I'm all for world travel and adventures, I'm kind of a party pooper when it comes to leaving the country for a week when we have two babies at home. Or my husband leaving me, as it may be. But we were wrong, he doesn't have to go to Canada. I'm relieved.

Oh, and Sami has pink eye. Boo.


kh said...

No worries, Mike is there for him! I get the 'having him gone' part! I miss my extra arms!

Two hundred dollars??? Sweet! Congrats J! (I know he REALLY did it for the plaque.) ;)

Becca said...

Great job, J!

Suzanne said...

Yay! HUGE Congrats Jonathan! And we're relieved for you too Chrissy :) Glad everyone is feeling better...