Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Riverside Zoo

One of our most favorite places in NE was the Riverside Zoo. I hadn't been to the little zoo in over 10 years, so I didn't know that they had a new attraction call the "water pad." Sami was dying to get in the water, so I stripped her down to her diaper and let her have fun. I love these pictures!!

After our first visit, I remembered to bring her swim suit.

This little cutie pie wanted to join in the fun, but it was way too cold for her. The water was freezing (I was surprised Sami liked it as much as she did). So Janie girl sat on the sidelines looking cute. Maybe next year, Janie.

Sami knows all of her animals and their sounds, so to see them all in real life was so exciting for her. She loved feeding the ducks.

There isn't much traffic in the zoo, so the monkeys were happy to see us.

They also had a petting zoo where you could touch a pot bellied pig, llamas, and donkeys. The donkeys really wanted the food (you could buy a handful of food for a quarter). Sami was cautiously thrilled.

I love this hubby of mine!
We loved the Riverside Zoo and can't wait to go back next year!


Liz Wilcken said...

All of these pictures are wonderful! I especially like the one of you and J at the end. The girls just looked like they were having so much fun! Janie will love playing with Sami next year!

Liz Wilcken said...

That last post was by me, Becca. :)

Heather Macbeth said...

Y'all make awesome looking farmers! What a good looking couple!

kh said...

Janie did so good to watch! I love the pics of Sami in the water. Kids and water just go together.