Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Flower and The Bee

I think Halloween is okay. Jonathan loves it. And now Sami loves it. It was so fun hearing her say "tickateat" to everyone. And of course everyone oohed and aahed over how cute she and Janie were. We wanted to go with a garden theme. Sami was a flower, Janie was a bee, and we were going to be gardeners. But I didn't get the garden outfits together, so I wore orange and Jonathan wore black and spiked his hair. He was hoping I had some paint to spray his hair with, but obviously I didn't. I'll shop the clearance isle this week and have some ready for next year.

We started the afternoon over at our ward Trunk Or Treat, and then went over to Jonathan's sister's for another dinner and more trick or treating, but this time from door to door. Both girls loved it. Yes, this was my favorite Halloween ever! Have you ever seen a cuter flower or bee in your life?!!


Liz Wilcken said...

SOOO cute! That's like just like Sami's first Halloween costume! Although she looks much cuter this year :) Love the spiked hair, J!

tiffany said...

The girls are so cute. Sami is getting so big

Suzanne said...

Darling! Love the little flower costume (and the bee of course) - but how did you get Sami to keep the headband on?! Glad you all had fun!

Becca said...

Sami is the cutest flower and Janie is the cutest bee--there's no doubt about that! I'm so glad y'all had fun! :)