The other day we were reading in the Book of Mormon when Jesus came to visit the people in America. My favorite chapter is 3 Nephi:17, where Jesus calls the little children to him. He heals them, loves them, and blesses them. Angels come down and circle them about. As I sat there reading with my girls on my lap, I understood better than ever before why Jesus loves the children & wants me to become like them. Their innocence, their love, and their desire to learn are so endearing. And they find joy in the simplest swinging at the park. I love these pictures of Janie as she experienced the joy of swing sets.
I want to find more joy and appreciation for the little things in my life. When we go for walks, there is a spot where Sami always wants to stop and smell the flowers. I think I'll bend down and smell them will her next time.
That's one of my favorite chapters too! It's so touching.
Janie is adorable as always! :)
Thank you for the reminder to find JOY in the simple things! Your little girls are absolutely darling!
Kids show such pure and true emotion . . . and you can sure see that on Janie's face! It is a good thing for us to remember and keep in our own lives as well. Thanks for the joy of your little girl!
Love this reminder! You are such a great example to me. Thank you!
That's my favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon, too! And Janie is ADORABLE as usual!
I loved this post--it's a great reminder to all of us (and loved Janie's photos!).
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