Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Our Indoor Track

We have a space in our house that we let Sami run. We call it her track. She runs there on most days. And we let her. In fact, we encourage it. Why? Because it wears her out! One time she ran it 32 times and the whole time Jonathan and I were chanting "one more! one more!" She was so tired she could barely walk by the time she was done. And she was laughing so hard she fell down. And that's when we knew she was ready for bed. :)


Becca said...

Go Sami! She'll be ready for the Olympics in a few years! :) What a cute jump, too. I love how she didn't even look up. She's very obedient. Haha. Adorable! Soon Janie will be joining her.

Sally said...

I love it! When the weather is warm enough I send my 3 boys out to run around the house doing "Laps" min of 3 times. If they want to do more they do it-they like racing each other. We do this to wear them out as well at night so they can go to sleep. Once Janie can run it will turn into "tag your it".

Katie said...

That is hilarious and a great idea :)

Mary Ann said...

Great job, Sami! I can't believe how big you are now. Hugs.