Monday, March 15, 2010

We've matched! Somewhere.

We got an email at 8:57 am this morning telling us that Jonathan matched. It was such a relief to know that we matched somewhere! We just don't know where yet. We find out on Thursday. And we can hardly stand it! Just so you know, if we didn't match, we would have cried. Then after the tears stopped long enough to talk on the phone, we would have started "scrambling." Scrambling requires a whole team. You have to contact all the residencies that didn't fill their spots and send in all your application stuff, do interviews, and hope they are willing to take you. Needless to say, you take what you can get, regardless of where it is or how you like the program. Not too fun.

So in celebration that we matched, the munchkins and I are going to party! I'm going to make mac 'n cheese for lunch and do 5 loads of laundry. I mean, nothing spells fun like clean clothes, right?

I'm only partly kidding. The real party is on Thursday when we find out if we get to stay. I hope so.


Katie said...

Love those pictures! YEAH for your match!! I hope you stay too :)

Becca said...

Congratulations! Go Jonathan! I hope you guys get to stay in Arizona, too!

Christi said...

Yes, hope you stay! Congrats! Ok, hair powder is just the best thing IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! Ok, I'm kidding- but it's pretty close. I only wash my hair twice a week, and on the other days I put hair powder in, it takes grease out, makes it look new, gives volume, makes it smell good. I just LOVE it! And Jake got surgery on his shoulder and had to keep it in a sling for 5 weeks.

nicole said...

Yay for Jonathan! I hope you get to stay here too!