Sunday, June 27, 2010

Book Time

Book time is the newest thing in our house. A few months ago, we started letting Sami stay up later as long as she sat on the couch and looked at books.  No toys, just books.  She loves it, and has learned that the quieter she is, the longer she gets to stay up.  Sometimes she becomes one with the couch.  And it often works, and she gets to stay up until 7 pm. 

A few weeks ago, we started letting Janie stay up for book time too, although she doesn't get to stay up as long.  But she also loves it. They giggle just as much as they read.  Janie tickles Sami's toes and then they both start laughing.  It's cute.  And I hope they are learning to love books.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Fathers make the world a better place.
For Father's Day this year, Jonathan told me he just wanted some treats. Okay, no problem. I got my idea from here and here. These cream soda bottles were really fun to decorate. I used paper supplies and ribbon that I already had, and the cream soda and candy cost a little over $11. I am sharing this little "craft" because I think it's so cute for any occasion or holiday. Jonathan loved it, said it was perfect. I love a man who is easy to please ☺. I particularly love this man.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Desert Botanical Garden

Jonathan starts residency orientation on Wednesday.  I've been completely spoiled having him around these past two months.  Completely, utterly, totally spoiled.  And I am dreading residency, just because Jonathan will work long, hard hours.  And we'll miss him.  But the sooner he starts, the sooner we'll be done. And since we know his free time is ending, we've tried to do some really fun things these past couple of weeks.  One of our favorites was the Arizona Desert Botanical Gardens.  We got a culture pass from the library, so we got in free, and we loved it especially since it was free ☺.  It really was so neat to see all the plants that can grow in a desert.  Jonathan took some really great nature pictures.

It was really hot the day we went.  It got up to 110 degrees that day.  So we didn't stay at the Gardens for too long.  And I'm so glad that Jonathan pushed the stroller the whole time.  The girls are getting so big that it is getting harder and harder for me to take them in a stroller.
Here's me being silly outside a thatched hut.  Looking at this now, I am totally grateful that I don't have to live in one.  I like my air conditioning way too much.  Not to mention my kitchen, computer, TV, etc.
It's so amazing to me that even in a desert, life thrives.  Our lives have thrived here.  I will always love Arizona.  

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Learning Young

I wanted to get some cleaning done this week.  I've been putting off a lot of deep cleaning because "I just had a baby."  That's what I've been telling myself.  But my baby is 17 months old, so I can't use that anymore.  My cupboards were almost too gross for me, so I decided to just clean them, and stop procrastinating.  So I got my little bucket, and my old toothbrush and hoped I could hide in the kitchen corner and clean without drawing too much attention to myself.  Yeah, right.  The girls thought I was doing the coolest thing in the world and they begged me to let them help.  Sami kept saying "try, try."  So I gave in and gave them each a toothbrush and let them go to town. 
I am going to keep these pictures forever, to remind my girls about how awesome I am for letting them help me clean.  In ten years, when they think I'm a mean slave driver for making them help me clean baseboards, I am going to pull out these pictures and remind them of how fun it is to help Mama.  It was so fun that when I said we were all done, Janie threw a fit, cried so hard I thought she was going to throw up, and earned herself a time out.  That's how awesome I am.

If it weren't for yard sales, this little girl would be so deprived of her dress up.  Luckily there are yard sales aplenty and she has all kinds of dress up options. 
Her cousin Sidney made her this hat and she hasn't taken it off for two days.  After Janie gets herself dressed up, she comes up to Jonathan and I and says "pity" (Janie talk for "pretty").  Yes, Janie, you are so pretty.  

My sweet Sami is talking so much and her sense of humor is so great.  She laughs about anything that anyone else is laughing about.  One of our favorite things is how she recognizes things and people.  Whenever J walks in, she says "oh, a daddy."  I am "oh, a mama."  And Janie is "oh, a sissy."  She loves to learn and is always pointing out colors, shapes, and letters.  She looks out for Janie all the time.  And LOVES church.  She actually loves nursery, but in her mind church is nursery.  So when sacrament meeting is over, she yells "Yay, church!"  She also likes to get dressed up for church and after I get her dress on, she runs up to Jonathan and says "Sami so pritty! (pretty)."  Yes, Sami, you are so pretty.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hair Cut & Dress Up

I want to blog about Sami's hair cut because it was her first hair cut ever!  Her hair was so pretty long, but she often woke up with tangles and just hated when I brought out the brush.  I felt bad every time she said "no mommy, no hair, no thank you, owies."  So it was time for a cut.  
And it was a bit traumatic for her.  She had never seen anyone get a hair cut, since I don't cut J's hair and she's never been there when mine's been cut.  She started going into panic mode when I put her in the chair.  The hair dresser wasn't going to come near her with scissors unless she she stopped thrashing, which I appreciated.  I held her on my lap against my chest while while the stylist cut the back of her hair.  Once she started cutting and Sami realized it didn't hurt, she calmed down.  I think she liked looking at her hair on the floor.  Grandma Trish was there for moral support and she took the pictures.
Lots of people have said that the new cut fits Sami's personality.  I think so too.  It's fun and cute.  And we also love it because Sami doesn't mind when I comb her hair anymore.  

And then there Janie's dress up.  The girl gets dressed up first thing in the morning and stays dressed up until I take off her accessories for lunch, nap, etc.  Her determination and skill at dress up is amusing, impressive, and a bit terrifying.

Yes, that is a burp rag on her head.