Sunday, June 27, 2010

Book Time

Book time is the newest thing in our house. A few months ago, we started letting Sami stay up later as long as she sat on the couch and looked at books.  No toys, just books.  She loves it, and has learned that the quieter she is, the longer she gets to stay up.  Sometimes she becomes one with the couch.  And it often works, and she gets to stay up until 7 pm. 

A few weeks ago, we started letting Janie stay up for book time too, although she doesn't get to stay up as long.  But she also loves it. They giggle just as much as they read.  Janie tickles Sami's toes and then they both start laughing.  It's cute.  And I hope they are learning to love books.


Mary Ann said...

What a great idea! It's wonderful that your girlies are learning to love the better things in life: books and dressup....YAY!

Becca said...

Awesome idea! I'll have to remember this one. The girls look so cute!

kh said...

Seven o'clock! What a lucky girl! You know that shortens your photoshop time... ha ha. JK.

Christi said...

Aww, that's so sweet! And such a great idea- I might have to try that at my house!

Katie said...

Love this idea! You are such a great Mom to your adorable girls.

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

I love "quiet time" and when they can entertain themselves for a while . . . quietly :) What a fun and great idea for the end of the day!