Sunday, September 19, 2010

Girly Stuff

I love having girls. I've been known to say that I want four girls. But I wouldn't mind having a little boy, not at all. In fact, I hope we do have a little boy some day. But he will probably play with dress up, polly pockets, and have afternoon tea parties with us.  For now, I just love all these girly things.

I am so glad they have each other.  When I get Sami up in the morning, I ask her what she wants to do fun that day.  Sometimes I get "yard sales," or "church," or "make brownies with Daddy," (she has extremely good taste, if I do say so myself) but when I have to tell her it's not the day to yard sale, go to church, or Daddy can't make brownies today, she usually settles for "dress up, with Sissy."  I love that they are friends.

1 comment:

Katie said...

They are so cute! There is nothing better than watching your kids play and have fun together.