Monday, November 1, 2010

Our Princesses

Have you met our princesses?

Sami LOVED Halloween this year! Except for the scary costumes that showed up on our door. Then she kept saying "monsters no scary, monsters no scary." We assured her that monsters wouldn't hurt her. So did Grandma Carol, who called to see how the girls were doing just when Sami was needing to be reassured. She took Grandma's word for it. 

She did so good saying "trick-or-treat" to everyone and then a "thank you." After the ward trunk-or-treat, she said "I love Halloween! It's so cool!" 

Janie was a fairy princess. We just threw together a costume from her dress up. (All costumes came from yard sales, of course☺.) She had a break down just before we left for the party. I thought I would have to bring her home early, but she pulled through. These two pictures were taken seconds apart. 

I love that she kept her princess hat on the whole night, in the car, at the party, for the games. She was so tired for the trunk-or-treating that at one point she just fell down. As for the trunk-or-treating, she just walked up to people and started taking candy. It was kind of funny.

These cute little girlies are best buddies. They go to nursery together and love each other. The girls love nursery and their little girlfriends are mostly why. Everytime we mention church, Sami starts listing off all people she loves: Rachel, Sidney, Kaari, Ella, Elise, Harris (the most beloved nursery leader), and Mason (he's a boy but they love him too ☺). 

We loved Halloween this year. I can easily say it was our funnest ever! Hope you had a great one too. 


Mary Ann said...

What adorable girls--especially loved Sami's flipflops!

Heather Macbeth said...

Such beautiful princesses! And I love how toddlers ADORE church. Everyday Lily asks me if we're going to church and if someone's away from home she just goes, "work? no. At church." It's cute. I'm glad you had such a blast.

kh said...

They look so cute!

Becca said...

The little ladies are so cute in their costumes! Girls are so much fun!

Katie said...

I love the reactions to my little ones of the holidays. It makes them so much more fun! Your girls looked so cute at the party!!
I love that you included Mason :) He is definitely in the minority...

Liz Wilcken said...

Awww...I'm jealous of their costumes!!! Why don't they make those in my size?! Probably because they look much better on the young ones, huh? Sooo cute. :)

Sally said...

WOW! I'm glad you are the ones with the girls and not me! They do look the part. On our end we had Superman, a ninja, and a secret agent. Isaac would be with Sammie over the "scary ones" even though he is almost 11, he gets scared very easily. However, Ruben the youngest loves that kind of stuff, and will probably be "one of the scary ones" by next year.

Natalie said...

Adorable--they are getting so big!