Thursday, November 11, 2010

Staying Busy

Life is busy, but good. We are getting ready to go to Nebraska for Thanksgiving. My mom has a countdown until we get there. I am loving the cooler weather (although it was still so hot last week that the girls went swimming twice!). We love walking to the mailbox, going to the park, and baking. I am grateful that my girls love the little things in life, and that I get to enjoy them with them. 


Liz Wilcken said...

Ooo...I want a swim suit like Sami's! Where did you get it?

Katie said...

I am so happy you get to see your family for Thanksgiving! That will be so fun.

kh said...

Sami went swimming??? Yay! Gotta love AZ weather. ☺

I haven't been ignoring you... thank you for all your thoughtful calls. They do make me smile. I hope you have a BLAST with your fam for Thanksgiving. Be safe!

Mike will be over Thursday night to drop off the photo disk. FYI.
♥ ya!

Unknown said...

Wow, swimming in nov that's my dream!!! Have fun visiting your family, I am on a countdown of 2 1/2 weeks till we get to go home to family!!!!

Mary Ann said...

I wish I had read this sooner--if you're still in Nebraska, please give your family our love!!!! BTW, cute girls...Janie's a hoot (sorry, that is a very generational adjective).