Friday, December 24, 2010

Janie is 2!

At 2 years old, Janie:
-loves dress-up, pretend make-up, & baby dolls
-her main goal in life is to be just like her sister & do everything she's doing
-is very sensitive & tender hearted
-loves, loves, loves books & wants to be read to a lot
-is a great sleeper & a great eater (I'm so lucky!)
-enjoys being outside
-is a great dancer and does a jig that is hilarious
-is almost ready to start potty training
-has constant bouts of constipation & is on a laxative regime right now
-thinks nursery is great, but only if Sami is there (we're in trouble come January!)
-loves chapstick & it will calm her down faster than anything
-favorite foods are mandarin oranges, chips, tacos, grapes, & all snack foods

Janie is my Christmas miracle, literally. I am amazed at how much sweetness she brings our family. I remember so clearly after her delivery, I sat by myself in my hospital room. Janie was in the special care nursery & Jonathan was home with Sami. It was a beautiful Christmas Eve day, & I thought of Mary, giving birth to the Savior & laying her newborn in a manager, while I lay surrounded by doctors, food, a tv, & a bathroom and my newborn was getting great medical care. Janie will always remind me of the true meaning of Christmas: life. Because of our Savior's birth, life, & death, we can live together forever, with our loved ones. And we are so grateful that Janie is our lives.
Happy Birthday, Janie! We love you!!


kh said...

what a sweet hospital memory. she's just so beautiful.

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Janie! She is beautiful!!

Heather Macbeth said...

Happy belated birthday Janie! I know what you mean about thinking about Christ's birth. This year I literally burst into tears thinking about what Mary had to go through. Contractions on a donkey doesn't sound ideal to me.

Janie is so gorgeous! And I love that chapstick is her comfort item. Lol!