Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Year

My New Year started out perfect. Jonathan was supposed to work a 30 hour shift. So I was bundled up watching a romantic period film when he called and said to look in the driveway. There he was! His attending (bless her!) said he could go home and come home early the next morning if he kept his pager on. Sah-weet! So we were in bed by ten. I think the best way to start the new year is by being well-rested. I don't want to be impatient with my kids on January 1st because I didn't get enough sleep ☺. I think that means that I am getting old.

As for resolutions? I wasn't very motivated this year. I have two: to potty train Janie and get Sami out of her crib.  Janie has problems with constipation, so potty training her could be complicated. I'm thinking I will start that in June. Why June? Because Jonathan has a week off to help me. 

And about Sami...if you have any advice I would appreciate it. She loves her crib. No, she really, really, loves it! We talk about her big girl bed all the time. She lies in it for a second, then says "no thanks, Mama. I want this bed!"-pointing to her crib. I've read books, but they mainly have advice on how to keep kids IN bed. I've checked out children's books on the library about this transition, and hopefully that will help. I've got a guard rail up, and made her bed super cute. But she likes her crib. Sometimes I feel like it's no big deal, but then my back starts hurting from lifting her in and out, and I think "it's time." But I don't want to push her. Advice?

And Jonathan? He's back in wards and I think his main goal is to keep his head above water and keep his balance with life, work, family, & church. So far, I think he's done great. He is tired though. 

Here's to a great 2011!


Suzanne said...

Isn't it funny how different kids have trouble with different things? Julia had no problem at all with her big girl bed, but potty training is still the biggest problem ever! She absolutely refuses to sit there long enough...etc. Sorry I have no good solutions for ya - Good luck! :)

kh said...

I love romantic period films. Bright Star is a recent good one I've seen. Saw J at church, just after we had to leave. (Kourtni puked during sacrament! The horror! And Kaehl was freaking out, so you didn't miss a. thing.)
Glad you got him home. Hope all is well!

Katie said...

I think those are great goals. My advice (not having dealt with it myself) just keep offering her the big bed. Hopefully she will eventually like it :)

Whitney said...

I don't see any problem with her still being in her crib if she prefers it. Especially since you aren't planning on traveling anytime soon. Great goals - you're a great mommy!

Christi said...

Macey is still in her crib, and I honestly have no intentions of moving her until she learns to climb out, ha ha. About constipation, when I potty trained Carissa- she learned how to pee so quick! But it was #2 that she had a problem. She got constipated, we had to do suppositories, and enema's. NOT a fun time! After going through all that, I think just giving her a TON of fiber while you're potty training, Miralax was my friend, (as I'm sure you use that) and you should be good. Good luck!! I'm thinking about potty training Macey sometime this year.

Liz Wilcken said...

Have you thought about disassembling the crib, or putting it somewhere else? Out of sight, out of mind sorta thing? I don't know. Good luck!

Pepito said...

I am with Liz. Just explain to her that she is big and take the crib down. She will have no choice. I would put a guard up on her bed so she feels secure. It will only take 2-3 nights at the most, and if she is tired enough she will just fall right to sleep. Plus, think of all that room she will have to play once the crib is down. Love you...Good luck!