Saturday, March 19, 2011

Potty Training & a Leprechaun

I have spent this week potty training Janie. I have to say that I consider this to be the trenches of motherhood.  It must be done, but it's not fun. I use the potty training method that I learned at the preschool. Janie spent almost all of 3 days on the toilet. When she went, even a little, we clapped, and screamed, and had a half hour "potty party" with treats, movies, etc. Then we were back on. And I pumped her full of liquids so she would have lots of opportunities to get her treats. This method only works if the kids are ready. I knew Janie was ready because she was constantly taking off her pants, trying to take off her diaper, and asking to go potty (it helped a lot that she adores Sami and wants to do what she does, so because Sami is so good using the potty, Janie wanted to follow suit). After three days, she was almost perfect with pee pees. Poo Poos are another story and we aren't even close with those yet. But since it's only been five days and she is two, I'll give her some leeway ☺.

With this method, the idea is to make the experience very positive. So we found lots of fun things to do while we were waiting for some action.  

Yes, I even had Janie eat some meals in there. Gross, I know. But I was cleaning this bathroom a lot and I tell myself that to feel better. And Sami wanted to picnic too. So we just partied in the bathroom. We even had family prayer and scripture study in there. Oh yes, we did. 

But on to another subject. A leprechaun visited our house on Thursday. He was going to turn the chairs over and die the milk green, but Jonathan reminded me that the girls wouldn't get it. So instead the little guy left a trail for the girls to follow to get a treasure. Sami loved following the trail to her treasure. 
The treasure was a bag for each of the girls with some art supplies that we were running low on and a snack of Lucky Charms cereal, which they only ate the marshmallows out of and left the rest, of course. But it was fun. Sami was so sweet. I put an S on Sami's treasure and a J for Janie's and Sami was upset that there wasn't an M treasure for Mama. I love that girl. So I made something up about how the leprechaun left me other snackies. She was ok with that. 

Janie didn't quite get it, but Sami helped her find the treasure. It was really fun. Until it was time to go back on the potty. ☺


Whitney said...

Good job on the potty training! Hang in there! Oh, it is the absolute worst!! This year with St. Patty's Day, I got totally lazy and didn't do anything. I liked you're idea for next year. :)

Katie said...

Woo hoo for Janie's progress! You are such a good Mom. I love how much fun you have with your girls.

Erin said...

Hi Chrissy!! It is so fun to see pictures of you guys and find out how you are doing. I am amazed - AMAZED - at how big Sami is now. I can't believe it!! Those two sweet girls are so adorable. What a cute family you have. I'm glad you guys are doing well. Love you!

kh said...

interesting way to potty train! i might try this with kaehl! would it be easier if i just strapped a potty to his bum and let him run around and play? ☺ so funny.

Heather Macbeth said...

I laughed so hard when I read about the scriptures and prayers. "Oh yes we did!" Hahaha. Great!

Natalie said...

NICE! I hope you also gave yourself some potty prizes!!!