Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What's Up...

Chrissy-These past two weeks have been hard for me, on a personal level. I have struggled, but feel myself moving on, for which I am so grateful. I have issues, and I struggle with trying to be perfect and the resulting guilt and anxiety that is a result of falling short. My sweet and very patient husband and my wonderful mother have helped me so much as I have tried to gain a proper perspective. I love them. What would we do without our mothers?! Seriously...

Every year, I find myself loving my Savior even more. I have beeing re-reading "Believing Christ" and "Following Christ" by Stephen Robinson. These are great books and I highly recommend them.  I am so grateful for my Savior's love.

Jonathan-J is a very tired intern. These past few months have been exhausting for him and sometimes it seems like the light is just around the corner and other times it feels like it will never come. But he has a week off coming up and we are going to have fun!

Sami-Sami is in love with games! She loves all board games and thanks to yard sales, we have quite a few of them. I try to play a game with her at least once a day, although she would like me to play with her all day. She is growing up so fast. I am sad to say that the tattling stage is here. She often comes to me and says something like, "Mom, Sissy said no to me. Can you talk to her?" And I know Janie will start in soon, it's just a part of childhood. I remember tattling on my siblings even when we were teenagers! (Sorry about that, Rachel and Dave!) 

Janie-Janie is still struggling with potty training. She is on a Miralaax regime which makes it harder, poor thing. But she is talking so good, and still has her ferocious appetite. She is still a cuddle bug, and I love that. 


Whitney said...

You are such a wonderful mom, friend, young women leader! You are a woman of many talents, and you amaze me with all you do!

Liz Wilcken said...

Ben was on Miralax too. No fun. Hope all gets better soon!