Sunday, June 26, 2011

Not an Intern!

The biggest thing that happened this week is Jonathan finished his intern year! I can't begin to express how grateful I am that this year is over. It's been so hard on Jonathan. He has been exhausted, stressed out, and burnt out for several months now. 

It's supposed to get a little easier now that he is a senior resident. I hope so. Sometimes I think, "Wow, only two years left!" Then other times, I'm thinking, "Two years?! Are we going to make it?"

But a little milestone is over. He is now a senior resident. 

As for me and the girls, we are trying to stay cool. Summer is in full force here. But it seems to get easier every year. Maybe because the girls are older and we can do more things. Or maybe I just know what to expect and how to plan for it.

Since Sami turned three, she has really grown up. She is definately not a baby anymore (sniff, sniff).  
She is now really playing house, and pretend, and dress-up. She loves her movies, but she loves her toys just as much.

Janie is starting to skip her afternoon naps (again, sniff, sniff). But she still has to stay in her room until I get my  break. :) She gets tired out early on days when she doesn't sleep. She is still a cuddle bug and she has always been attached to her blanky.

Sami is just finishing up her first month of tumbling and both girls start swim lessons tomorrow. I wanted to get them in swim lessons last year but felt they were still a little too young. But this is the year! I feel like swim lessons are so important here where so many people have pools. I don't want them to fear water, but to understand that they can't just jump in and expect to float.  So I am hoping to get some good pictures this week of them in their cute swim suits.


Katie said...

Hooray for Jonathan! I hope it is less stressful for you guys too.
Your girls are adorable! I hope you enjoy Allison's lessons. We need to have you over to swim.

Mary Ann said...

Congrats for you and Jonathan. BTW, Becca and I did swim lessons when she was 18 months old and she became a fish. Have fun!

kh said...

chrissy! jonathan tells me he has TWO WEEKS OFF!!! why are you still here? :) bring the girls over one day and you two get some time to yourself.

hope you have a great 4th!