A few months ago, I sent a bunch of photos into a company to have them digital scan them for me. I had a voucher from Groupon and it was about to expire by the time I actually sent them, but this week I got my pictures back and my digital copy. So I thought I would share a few of my favorites.
I'll start with my sweet Jonathan.
I love this picture of him. He always has been a hard worker :).
We always laugh at this picture, because he buttoned his top button into his collar, is missing teeth, and is dressed like a lumberjack. But a very adorable lumberjack.
This captures Jonathan's personality:
His senior picture:
And his mission to Portugal. It is so interesting that there is a horse drawn cart and an automobile in the same place. I am thankful that Jonathan served a mission and when we were dating, I knew it was a good sign that he always talked positively about his mission and said he wanted to take me to his mission someday. He still says that, and I hope he does take me there one day.
And now on to me.:)
My grandma thinks this is a picture of her grandparents. Anyway, they are my family and I am grateful for the picture. And even more grateful that I didn't live back then.
And more teepee pictures. I couldn't resist, especially since this one had snow in it. I still ask my mom how she did it out there. Amazing and crazy at the same time!
We had goats. I didn't like the goats. They were big, and stinky. My mom had to get up and milk them every day. Needless to say, I have drunk my fair share of goats milk.
The girls get their sense of fashion from me :).
Me and my sis. We didn't let a lack of electricity and running water slow down our beauty regime. A girl has to have priorities.
This was our swimming pool-plastic covered tires. I wasn't a big swimmer.
Every girl has a chopped bang picture.
And then the awkward tooth phase, when you have adult teeth in a kid mouth. This is me and my brother David.
Then the 80s hit. Look at me rocking the jean jacket, the neon, and the poof hair. Oh yeah.
This is me with all my brothers and sisters. I love them. (And check out the rolled jeans. I tried hard to be stylish. Sometime it worked, sometimes it didn't.)
I love this picture with Sherri Dew in the MTC. She came and spoke and let us take pictures with her. She is one of my heroines. And I served with Hermana Scoville in the MTC and in our mission. She is one of my faves.
And well, you know what happened after that. I met my true love. ♥ I am so blessed to have him. He is so amazing. I love him more today than I did when we got married, although I didn't think that was possible then.
And, as they say, the rest is history!
LOVED!!!! your pictures. I'm so glad I got to see the teepee and your mom when she was young. My daughters all slept in pink foam rubber curlers every Saturday night so they'd be beautiful for church on Sunday. Great photos, Chrissy!
Awesome pictures! J's first picture is definitely a keeper! :)
Congratulations!!! That is the best autobio I have ever read. It gave me a lot of chuckles and wonderful feelings. What a blessing it is to have such great pictures to remind one of their youth and young adulthood.
Thank you for your fabulous blog.
Love it! Such a great idea. I need to do that with our photos.
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