Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Jane Noel!

Three years ago today, Janie came to us. It was a warm, beautiful, Arizonan afternoon. And our life has been so blessed with her in it.
She has brought us so much sweetness and joy. She is our favorite Christmas gift ever!
At three years old, Janie is:
Sweet: If we had to describe Janie in one word, this would be it. 
Sensitive: Janie is very sensitive to emotions. If someone is scared on tv, she is scared. She is also very sensitive to discipline. If we talk to her a bit too harshly (in her opinion), she bursts into tears. When we tell her to go to her room to time out, she runs to her room. (That part is kind of nice, no kicking and screaming. She just goes herself. But she is usually sobbing.)
Not completely potty trained: This can be very frustrating for me, depending on the day. We have been working for months. She is about 75% there. Ok, maybe 65%. It's the poo poo part that's hard. (Sorry, too much info, I know.) I have high hopes now that she is three. 
Charming: She knows how to do it. The way she tilts her head, moves her hands, and her quiet can be hard to say no to this one. (Mommy and Daddy don't have a problem, but Grandparents have a hard time.)
Adores her big sister: Where Sami goes, Janie wants to follow. And she is a great playmate for Sami. 
Mama's girl: If I were to completely smother her with hugs and kisses, and do nothing all day but hold and kiss her, it would be a dream come true for this one.  I hear "I need a hug" and "I need hold you," (that's how she asks to be held), all day long. And I try to hold her and hug her as often as she asks, but it's not always possible. But I do enjoy a cuddle bug.

Happy Birthday, Janie! We love you so much! We are so glad that you came to our family. 


kh said...

happy birthday sweet janie! i just love this little girl and think she is just so cute. she reminds me a lot of kaari, eps with her need to be held and smothered in kisses daily! so glad they are only 6 mo apart. i hope they are good friends.
enjoy your holidays olsen family! we love you!

kh said...


Katie said...

She is so beautiful! Hope Janie had a wonderful birthday.

Mary Ann said...

Janie looks to be so sweet and her eyes can melt you!!! We love her too.