Saturday, March 24, 2012

They Say the Best Things

I keep a small notebook in my kitchen drawer. When the girls say something that cracks me up, I try to write it down in that notebook. Most of the time, I forget to write it down. But I love it when I remember. I was just looking through that notebook and started laughing. So I thought I would share, realizing that this may not be as funny to you. And I am okay with that. I love these memories.

Nov. 17th, 2011. I was reading a children's Bible Stories book to Sami, and at the end, she said "and Jesus can come and play with me, please?" I tried to explain that he wanted to come and play, but couldn't. She kept saying, "but I want him to, please?"
Aug. 2011, There were some maxi pads on my bathroom floor, and Sami came in and pointed to them and told Jonathan, "those are Mommy's diapers."
Jan. 25, 2012. Sami was taking a bath. She started calling me. I went in and she was standing up in the bathtub. When she saw me she said, in a totally serious voice, "My name is Sami and I need to go pee pee"
Feb. 22, 2012 We were all on a walk and Sami said to Jonathan, "Daddy, you are my favorite boy." 

May 2011, I told Janie to pray for Daddy during a blessing on the food and she said, "Please help Daddy so he be a good boy."
Oct. 2011. Janie was in the bathroom with me and she said, "Mommy has a big bottom." Then she laughed and said, "Janie has a little bottom and Mommy has a big bottom."
March 11, 2012, Janie had told me a few times that I "was the best mom she had ever seen." One day, after I broke up a fight between her and Sami, she told me that again and added that I was her best friend. :)

I love being a mom to these two sweet little girls! 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Luck of the Irish

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
We were *lucky* to have Daddy home with us this week. It was so fun. The funnest part was today when McRiley (our friendly, family leprechaun) came and left the girls some treasure. But they had to follow the clues to get it. (Thank you, Crafting Chicks. They did all the work. I just printed and cut out. It doesn't get better than that!)

They were running around, looking for clues, it was a lot of fun. I saved everything for next year to do over again. :)

McRiley left the treasure outside. The bag of treats says "You are my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow." Aaahh. So cute. And so true.

Of course, we can't have that much sugar. :) Especially since we had made green cookies the day before. So the girls got to pick out six skittles to eat right then. I love that they thought they were so *lucky* to get six whole skittles. :) 

And this afternoon, we played Lucky Bingo (thank you again, Crafting Chicks).  We all took turns calling out the cards, and it was so cute to hear the girls call out the cards and try to describe them. It was serious business. And we used Lucky Charms to mark our cards. Sadly, there isn't nearly as many marshmallows as cereal. 

I am so lucky, *BLESSED,* to have amazing people in my life. And I count Jonathan, Sami, and Janie as my biggest pots of gold. And luckily, we have had a great week. I am sad the week is over. It's going to be a long time before he gets more vacation, but I am grateful for this week. And I am thankful he did all the things on my "honey-do" list! Yay!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We're Back

My poor Sami was sick all last week. The poor thing missed her field trip to the fire station with her preschool, but what can you do?

Right after Sami started feeling better, Janie and I got sick. It was Sunday and I knew we wouldn't make it to church with all us hacking and coughing and our running noses. So I decided to get caught up on some photo editing. I turned on my computer but the screen kept going out. So I restarted the computer a few times, until it wouldn't come back on. When I had tried everything I could think of and the computer still wouldn't turn on, I started freaking out. I thought I had lost my hard drive with all my pictures. (We have a back up hard drive but I haven't backed it up in over 6 months. So I wouldn't have lost everything, but enough to still make me cry :) ) And Jonathan was on a 30 hour shift, so he couldn't help me.
But being the smart man that he is, he came home, "diagnosed" the problem as our power source being broken, just ordered us another one and it arrived today and wah-lah! Here I am. Love it! And we are all feeling so good. The good thing about being sick is appreciating being healthy. The only one who came out unscathed is Jonathan. I think he has an iron immune system because he has been exposed to everything.

I have decided that I would rather have my computer than my tv but being without a computer (not really, I still had Jonathan's laptop) was good because it makes me want to cut down my computer time. It's amazing how much time my computer sucks away. So I am going to do better at leaving the computer alone.
But I am glad I have it. :)
(Oh, and I put in this picture of Janie because I think she is so cute in her little hat. But when I pull out the camera, this is the face she gives me. Funny girl.)