Wednesday, March 7, 2012

We're Back

My poor Sami was sick all last week. The poor thing missed her field trip to the fire station with her preschool, but what can you do?

Right after Sami started feeling better, Janie and I got sick. It was Sunday and I knew we wouldn't make it to church with all us hacking and coughing and our running noses. So I decided to get caught up on some photo editing. I turned on my computer but the screen kept going out. So I restarted the computer a few times, until it wouldn't come back on. When I had tried everything I could think of and the computer still wouldn't turn on, I started freaking out. I thought I had lost my hard drive with all my pictures. (We have a back up hard drive but I haven't backed it up in over 6 months. So I wouldn't have lost everything, but enough to still make me cry :) ) And Jonathan was on a 30 hour shift, so he couldn't help me.
But being the smart man that he is, he came home, "diagnosed" the problem as our power source being broken, just ordered us another one and it arrived today and wah-lah! Here I am. Love it! And we are all feeling so good. The good thing about being sick is appreciating being healthy. The only one who came out unscathed is Jonathan. I think he has an iron immune system because he has been exposed to everything.

I have decided that I would rather have my computer than my tv but being without a computer (not really, I still had Jonathan's laptop) was good because it makes me want to cut down my computer time. It's amazing how much time my computer sucks away. So I am going to do better at leaving the computer alone.
But I am glad I have it. :)
(Oh, and I put in this picture of Janie because I think she is so cute in her little hat. But when I pull out the camera, this is the face she gives me. Funny girl.)


Mary Ann said...

Go, Janie!! I'm glad you're all well now. Heather & fam seem to be going through the same stuff.

Katie said...

I'm glad you girls are feeling better! Sami is so sweet in that picture, poor thing. Janie makes me laugh in the last one. Too cute!!

THK ~ Jonathan and Jill said...

Oh - That face of Janie's is just the same face that Ivey LOVES to pull right now! Sorry about your sick kiddos - we have had a bug ourselves. It sure is hard being down but sure sweet to be on the rise again!