Sunday, April 29, 2012

Late Easter Pictures

I love dressing my girls the same and they think it's fun to be "twins." These beautiful dresses were from a friend whose girls grew out of them. I am always so grateful for the clothes from friends and one day, I plan on passing on clothes too. It is such a blessing.
And I love these dresses! You can't see the sparkles on the dresses, but they are there.

I love my girls' eyes. So fun to have a blue-eyed and brown-eyed. 
Both girls are tall for their age and in the ninetieth percentile for their height. Someone told me the other day that they thought Sami was six. My response was that I am so glad she's not! Time flies as it is, and I don't want them getting older any faster than absolutely necessary.  
But they are growing up. As made plain to me by the fact that they have started the poo poo jokes and comments and then both laughing so hard. I was hoping to skip that but I guess not. Sami will say, "Janie poo poo" and they they both start laughing. Then I hear Janie say, "lunch poo poo," more laughter. I am continually telling them that we only talk about poo poo in the bathroom. It's not working. Oh well.


Katie said...

I love their dresses! You, of course, got beautiful pictures of them. You are so talented!

ps--I am relieved to hear that Mason is not the only one saying "poo poo" about everything lately.

kh said...


Natalie said...

They look adorable!

Mary Ann said...

Pretty dresses and gorgeous girls--what can be better? And I have to confess that I laughed at the poo-poo jokes too--sorry.....