Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day...

Today was the first day of preschool for both Sami and Janie.

 Sami was excited to go back to Carole's preschool and Janie was beyond thrilled to get to go inside the preschool and stay inside, versus come back to the car with me, which she did all last year. I am so glad that Janie has had Sami to help her through a lot of transitions. Nursery was a breeze for Janie, because Sami was there. Same with preschool. I am not worried about Janie a bit because she has Sami there to help her. (Plus preschool is only 2 hours a day/2 days a week, so they are not gone a lot. That helps too.)

Sami loves to pose when she sees me with the camera. Cutie.

Janie had a little melt down before we left. About hair bows, of course. But we got it resolved and she loves her new princess back pack. She feels so grown up know. Sigh...

And today was the first day of tumbling too. Janie is a bit confused, she thinks it's ballet. But no matter, they get lots of exercise and an otter pop at the end. So no complaints here. I am thinking they will sleep good tonight. :)

And Lucy. I wanted to get her in on the camera action too. This picture reminds me to back up. :) And it gave me a good chuckle. In a few months she will be so used to the big black camera over my eye, she will probably start posing too! 

We sure love her. Before I know it, she will be off to preschool too. But luckily not too soon. :)


Katie said...

It was so fun to see Janie at tumbling. I'm glad that they had a fun first day of preschool too. We miss seeing Sami all the time. You have such beautiful girls!

Marcie said...

Oh my the girls are so adorable with their backpacks & tumbling clothes. Janie is quite the little fashionista.. Love the bows :) Cute pic of Lucy being a bit startled lol

Liz Wilcken said...

So fun for everyone! If Lucy naps during preschool, that's so awesome for you! You can nap, clean, craft! Oh, I'm jealous now ;)