Monday, November 19, 2012

Adoption Awareness

November is National Adoption Awareness Month.
I am so grateful that we live in a time where adoption is mostly accepted and embraced.
We love to talk about adoption with our kids because it's one of the things that makes our family unique and fun. And different. Adoption isn't a better or worse way of having a family, it's just different.
Sometimes people are surprised at how open we are about adoption. But we don't want any mystery or shame surrounding how Sami and Lucy came to us. Their story is just as fun as any other birth story, just different. Before Jonathan and I were married, I attended a seminar on adoption at BYU and the case worker said that adopted children should be told often and at a young age about their adoption. Sami's case worker encouraged us to do the same. So we talk about adoption and what it means (keeping it age and circumstance appropriate, of course).
 And sometimes I am surprised at people's responses to our story.
The other day I was talking to a woman that I have known for a few years. She asked about the kids and we talked about Lucy's adoption for a minute, then she said, referring to Janie, "well, at least you have one of your own."
I was shocked. But when I looked at her I realized that she had no idea how offensive her comment was. But there was NO WAY I was just going to let that comment pass without saying something! I realized she must not have had any experience with adoption. So in my nicest voice, I explained that we love all our children the same. We treat them the same. They are all "our own."  
And that's the miracle of adoption.
And I know it's not just a "fluke" with Sami. Because it has happened with Lucy too.
And it's been so great to see is how all my girls' treat each other and love each other. Janie and Sami adore Lucy. They have not been one bit jealous of sharing my time with a "new baby", but share their love with her without reservation. And Lucy loves them too. I hope they will grow up being best friends.
And we will continue to teach them the blessing of family, however it comes. And they will always know that we think adoption is a beautiful thing.


Katie said...

Beautiful post! You are a wonderful example and I am grateful for your friendship.

Whitney said...

i loved this post. and i believe i didn't have two hands when i read it, so i couldn't comment.