Monday, December 17, 2012

Sami's Birthday Party

Samantha's birthday was a lot of fun.
She woke up sick. Such a bummer. But she wasn't about to let a mere cold spoil her birthday that she had waited for for a whole year! No sirree. We had fun.
She loved all her presents. 
Our theme this month is "less is more." We wanted to get the kids fewer presents, in hopes that they would enjoy them more and be more grateful. But Sami got some really awesome presents from lots of people. We  kept talking about how loved she is. I think she felt really loved. 

My parents flew into town right before the party, but almost all of Jonathan's family came. It was so nice. It made the party really special. 

This blowing out the candles picture is classic. 

No doubt about it, we love our Sami. 
She had a great birthday. She still talks about it. Tonight while she was helping me make dinner, she said "I am super cool." Earlier in the day, when she said the right answer to a question, she said, "I am awesome." 
I hope she always believes that about herself. Because it's true.

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