Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I don't know what it is about these past few weeks, but I have been so tired.
Maybe the excitement of December has caught up with me. 
But after the kids are in bed, I do what I have to do and then pretty much crash. I am blaming the cold front that moved in here.
And our tv died today. That made me really sad!! Not that we have the tv on all the time. In fact, the tv dries me crazy when it has been on for a while. But the tv serves a great purpose, like letting me take a shower, read my scriptures, and make dinner. So we are going tv shopping soon! 
But the big changes have been around Lucy. She can sit up on her own and does so all the time, and she is a very fast crawler. She does the army crawl, where she drags her legs, but man, can she move! 
She loves being mobile too. The swing and excer-saucer are going down soon, because she doesn't like them anymore. Her favorite place to be is wherever her sisters are. 


Mandy said...

She really is such a doll! Oh my three is a lot and that will certainly make you tired.. But .... you might want to hit the drug store on your way home.. :) love you!

Katie said...

Ha! Mandy makes me laugh :)
I have been tired too. I hope that you get feeling better soon! I miss you, we need to get together one of these days!